Beyond Insanity

Author: Evil Willow

Summary: Willow and Xander discover there are consequences to playing with Puppy.

Story Notes: This is a DARK fic. Not for the faint of heart. Violence, torture, non-consensual and consensual smut. M/M and M/F.

Warnings: het, slash, language, violence, bloodplay, BDSM, rape/nc, character death, other: see story notes

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~Part: 1~

"Bored now."

I look up at the sound of her voice and wince at the smile she gives me. Gods, I'd hoped that she'd had enough for a few days, after yesterday. She made me bleed for a good eight hours, and by the end of the day I was screaming in agony and crying on top of that. I didn't use a lot of words, though, as I begged for mercy. I haven't spoken very much at all in the past few years. Not me, I only remember a few words. Yes, Mistress; Yes Master; Please; Stop; have mercy on me; I'm hungry. Those are the only words I least that's what they think. They believe they've won; they've broken me, made me insane. That's fine with me, because as long as they think I'm insane they don't try anymore to make me insane.

But I'm not insane. I'm not.

I don't remember who I was, but I know I used to be important. I must have been, or they wouldn't have gone to all of the trouble of breaking me. I lie here, during the moments that I'm alone, and try to remember what my real name was. But it always eludes me. Just as the reason I first came to this place also eludes me. But I'll remember, soon. It'll come back to me. In the meantime, I'll hold on to my sanity in secret while I continue to act like their "puppy." It's not like I have a choice in the matter, anyway.

I huddle into the corner, hoping against hope that she will go away. I never get what I wish for, though. I haven't, for a very long time. I finally open my eyes and see her standing there, in a very tight black leather top and pants. She's also wearing knee-high black leather boots. I know those boots well. They have steel toes, which have probably broken every bone in my body at least once. Her red hair is hanging loose and I can't help being a little attracted to her. Okay, a lot attracted to her. She's an exotic beauty, and to top it off: she's pure evil. She's the kind of vampiress I think I would've wanted as a mate, once upon a time.

Even now, after everything she's done to me, she can still make me feel something other than fear and loathing. It's sick, but it's pure, animal lust. It's not as strong as the fear, though, because I know all too well what she does when she's bored. She comes to play with her puppy. Lucky me. Her back is to me as she contemplates the torture implements hanging on the wall across from my cage. That means she really is bored today. Too bored to just fuck me, expecting me to make her come until she passes out. I prefer those days, of course, to the alternative. The alternative is when she tortures me, making me scream and writhe in pain, and then fucks me, expecting me to make her come repeatedly until she passes out.

"Daytime's the worst," She sighs. "Cooped up for hours. Can't hunt..." She turns back to me and I see the pair of iron shears in her hand. Shit, I haven't even healed yet from yesterday! I stifle a whimper and turn away, toward the wall. What the hell did I do to deserve this? I wish I could remember.

"But the Master said I could play," she adds. I try to get closer to the wall. Maybe if I'm really, really, still, she won't be able to see me. I hear the clink of metal on metal and I grit my teeth to keep from screaming. "Won't that be fun, Puppy?" she asks and I hear the door of my cage swing open.

"Aw... Puppy's being all quiet," she coos, and I flinch when I realize she's inches away. "Come on. Don't be a spoilsport," she says. I feel her straddle me, sitting on my back. I can't help crying out; my back is still sore from the whipping she gave me yesterday. But then again, there isn't an inch of me that's not sore from yesterday.

She grabs me by the hair and pulls my head back. I whimper when her fingernails dig into my scalp. She leans down and her lips graze my ear as she says, "Guess what today is?" Meanwhile the sharp tips of the shears are at my throat and she drags them down to create a shallow cut. Just a little blood loss, nothing too bad. "Today the plant opens. It's a big party," she says before she licks along the rim of my ear to my forehead. She likes to lick me. She said once that I taste like fear and she likes that taste.

"You remember, I told you about the plant?" she continues. "All those people you tried to save? It's gonna be quick for them. Not for you, though. It's gonna be slow for you." People? What people??? I can't remember any people! And then the rest of what she just said sinks in. Now I know for certain this is going to be another very long, very painful day for me.

She grabs me by the arm and flips me onto my back. I groan when she straddles my stomach. It's still bleeding. I haven't been fed in two days and I can't heal if they won't feed me. I open my mouth to tell her I'm hungry but then I see him behind her. Shit. He has the matches. WHY does he like matches so much??


I walk in and she's already started. Damn, I hate it when I miss one second of my beautiful mate torturing Angelus.

She smiles and says, "That's right, Puppy... Willow's gonna make you bark."

He yells when she rips his shirt open and drags her sharp nails across his torso. There are still so many open, bleeding cuts on his chest. Probably from yesterday. She digs her fingernails deeper into one of the cuts and I am amazed when he keeps himself from screaming.

"Oh... Maybe I went too hard on you last time," she says, but the light tone in her voice makes it clear she doesn't really mean it.

Time for me to join in on the fun. I wait until he and I make eye contact. Then I light a match and drop it to his chest. He screams. Gods, I love it when he screams. "Too hard? No such thing," I say to Willow, with a grin.

"Watch it with those things. You almost got my hair," she growls, turning her head to look at me.

"Sorry. Got carried away," I reply with a shrug and toss her the box of matches.


"Don't you want to?" she asks him. Please say no. Please say no. I don't like it when he plays.

"No, thanks, Baby," he replies and I stifle my sigh of relief. "I just wanna watch you go," he adds.


She looks back at Angelus and lights another match. I see his jaw clench as he tries to brace himself for the pain, but she varies her method this time. She lowers the match until the flame just barely touches one of the newly reopened wounds to his chest. She holds it there while he writhes in pain.

Finally he lets out another scream. I laugh.

~Part: 2~

Willow has a really long attention span, when it comes to torture. She's been playing happily for about four hours now. Angelus just takes whatever she dishes out, whimpering and whining like a dog. That's why she named him "Puppy."

She carves her name deep into his stomach laps up the blood, as he screams from the pain. Shit, I am so hard. I wouldn't miss watching her dominate Angelus for anything. Even watching her fuck him turns me on, even though I hate him with everything that I am.

She stands and unbuttons her leather top, but her back is to me. I guess she's aroused enough to need some relief. I first caught the scent of her arousal a good hour ago. Like I said, she has a long attention span for torture and not many things can distract her. Not even her need to get off. I wish she'd turn around, so I can see her. It's not fair that he gets to look at her beautiful, perfect body and I don't.

"Xander," she calls and I smile. I walk over to stand behind her, reaching around to cup her breasts in my hands. "Mmmm," she moans, rubbing her ass against my crotch. "I can't decide who I want inside me," she says. She tilts her head to the side and I attack her mouth with mine. Gods, Willow, you drive me insane with lust. My beautiful, evil goddess.

She whimpers into my mouth when my hand slips under her pants and finds her wet curls. When I push three fingers inside her, she tears her mouth away and makes this mewling sound. Fuck. I am just about to come right now. These noises she makes drive me absolutely crazy.

"Xander!" We hear from upstairs.

"No," she whimpers when I pull away.

"Sorry, Babe," I say with a shrug. I lick her juices off my fingers and add, "I'm being summoned, so we'll have to finish this later." She pouts and I smile, "You know that would work, Will, if it was anyone other than the Master who wanted my immediate presence."

She sighs, "Frustrated, now."

"I know the feeling," I reply and kiss her deeply. "Later," I promise and then leave the cage. I walk upstairs to find out what the Master needs.

~Part: 3~

Willow turns back to me and says, "Strip, now."

Even though it hurts like hell to move, I obey. My shirt was discarded long ago, so she could cut up my back as well as my stomach and chest today. I get to my feet and shove my slacks down and off my legs. I don't wear boxers, anymore. I stand there, naked, and wait for her to tell me what she wants.

She smiles, "Such a pretty Puppy," she says appreciatively, as her eyes roam over my body. I'm already erect, and I hate it. I actually get aroused when she hurts me.

"Undress me," she orders. I walk over to her and kneel, lifting her left foot and then her right, pulling the boots off. Then I unfasten her leather pants, and pull them down her legs, helping her step out of them. Last are her panties, red silk. I pull them down and off.

I stay on my knees and look up at her. She is incredibly beautiful. Even though my body is screaming from pain, I can never resist her. There's just something about her that's got me... almost addicted.

She pushes me onto my back and straddles my hips again, rubbing her cunt against my cock. I whimper and she giggles. "Good Puppy," she says and scratches her nails down my stomach. I bite my lip to keep from crying out. I shut my eyes for just a second and shout when she impales herself on my cock. Shit. That hurts, but it also feels ... so ... good.

She growls and begins riding me, hard. I let her set her own pace, because it always feels just perfect to me. I move my hands to her breasts, squeezing them and pinching the nipples. I smile when she whimpers. "Want to come now," she gasps. I never ignore her demands. I move my hand to where our bodies are joined. My thumb finds her clit and she moans, rubbing against it as she continues to slam herself down on me. After a few more minutes she screams and climaxes. Her muscles contract around my cock as she comes, which sends me over the edge too.

She collapses on top of me and I wince. But I wouldn't even think of shoving her off me, even though the thought of doing so makes me smile. No, I'm her obedient puppy, so I'll let her use me and abuse me. For now, anyway.

She stirs and I understand she's not satisfied yet. She sits up and lets my cock slide out of her as she crawls up my body. She straddles my head, her cunt just above my face. I lick between her outer lips, but avoid her clit for the moment. She whimpers and I grin. I repeat my earlier actions, my hands moving to her ass to help support her weight. She moans and whimpers, trying to move my head to her clit. I pull it away and continue to lick her, bringing her closer and closer to her orgasm. After several minutes of this, I close my lips around her clit and suck gently. She moans loudly and her body begins to tremble. She's right on the edge. I thrust two fingers into her cunt and she cries out, "YES!" She's so close, I can tell. But I don't make her come, yet. I move my mouth away from her clit and just watch as I fuck her with my fingers.

I smile as I watch her face. Her eyes are glazed over and she's panting for breath. And this is the only time I ever feel in control. She actually lets me torture her like this, because she knows from experience that the intensity of the orgasms I give her make her earlier frustration worth it.

I wonder sometimes if maybe her mate doesn't make her feel this and that's why she keeps returning to me. I don't know. All I know is that I love how she tastes and how she looks when we do this. I love the moment when she finally begs me.


There it is. I grin, pleased with myself, and seek out her g-spot with my fingers. I dig my fingernails into it, at the same moment that I bite down on her clit. She moans as she comes, and I lap up her juices. My fingers stay busy inside her, as she rides out her orgasm. She whimpers as she returns to reality, but I don't let up on her yet. I insert another finger into her as I suckle her clit again. I also start humming and that does it. "SHHIIIIIT!" She screams.

I smile and continue my assault on her. She pants for breath she doesn't need and I lower her down so she's sitting on my face. One of the advantages of not needing to breathe. My free hand moves to her back and then down the crack of her ass. She whimpers when I trace one finger lightly around her puckered hole. I wait until she's close to orgasm again and then push one finger inside her ass. She screams and I continue to drive my fingers inside her, bringing her back in record time to another climax. "OHFUCKYESSSS!" She screams, and braces her hands on the floor on either side of my head as she tries not to pass out.

I withdraw my fingers from her after I've brought her down more gently this time. She crawls off me, still panting. Apparently I've served my purpose for today. She sits there for a minute before she tries to get to her feet. She sits back down when she discovers her legs won't support her. "Puppy," she pouts over at me. She doesn't need to finish. I'm familiar with this ritual. I get to my feet and help her to hers. When I'm sure she can stand on her own, I help her get dressed again.

Then she turns and walks out of the cage without another word.

I pull my pants back on and sit against the wall. I know I'm safe for a few hours. I close my eyes and try to get some sleep.

~Part: 4~

Willow comes to bed but she's too exhausted and sore to even let me touch her. And the others wonder why I hate Angelus so much? It's because of this. She is so obsessed with him. She was supposed to be my mate, but she spends more time having sex with him than with me, lately. I've noticed that he gets off on the pain when she tortures him, too, which makes my mood even less of the good.

But I don't say a word to her about him, as she curls up against me. I never do. I just hold her until she drifts off to sleep. Then I get out of bed, careful not to wake her, and walk downstairs. Time for Puppy and I to have a little talk.

He's leaning against the wall, asleep. Let's just fix that, then. I unlock the door of his cage and his eyes snap open. "Yeah, I thought you were faking," I sneer as I walk inside and shut the door behind me.

He eyes me, warily, so I at least know he's paying attention. "I don't think I like how satisfied Will is when she leaves you," I continue.

He smiles. Bastard! I walk out of the cage with a growl. I consider our collection of torture implements, before choosing a vial of liquid. I return to the cage and walk back inside. I can smell the fear on him now. Good.

"You think it's funny, do you?" I demand, glaring at him. I walk closer. "You're not going to find much funny, when I'm done with you." I grab him by the hair and throw him, face down, on the ground. Then I open the vial and let a few drops of the liquid fall on his back. He screams as it burns his skin. Gods, I love holy water.


"STOP!" I scream, as he continues dropping holy water on my back. Gods, the vial's got to be empty by now, doesn't it? "PLEASE, MASTER! I'M SORRY!" I yell. "PLEASE!" He nudges me with his boot and I roll over with a sob.

"Lose the pants," he orders.

"Please don't," I beg, looking in his eyes and hoping to find some trace of mercy in them. "I'm sorry."

"Take your punishment like the master vampire you used to be," he replies coldly.

I should have learned by now. Begging never does any good. I take off my pants and lie back down. I know what's coming, so I try to brace myself for the pain. He smirks and pours the rest of the holy water right on my dick. I can't hold back my scream.

He laughs. "Did you learn your lesson?"

Lesson? What lesson? "I... I don't understand. What do you want from me?" I ask, my voice hoarse. "I have to give her what she wants. If I don't, she'll get mad."

"I guess you have to decide then, Puppy, whether you want to deal with Willow's anger, or mine?" He smirks at me and then exits my cage, leaving me to contemplate the question. Shit. It hurts. Why am I letting them do this to me? I haven't been able to remember the answer to that question for a very long time.

~Part: 5~

It's been a few hours and I've almost healed. I look up as Willow and Xander return. Shit, aren't they tired of tormenting me yet? This time they have someone with them. A human. A living, human girl. She appears to be about eighteen, at the oldest. She has shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and a light blue dress that highlights her figure. She's pretty enough but she's also scared out of her wits.

Seeing her makes me remember, now, why I'm here. I have a soul; I was cursed with it. I came to Sunnydale to help people, try to make up for what I did. But when the Master took over Sunnydale, the clan captured me. He and the rest of his them tried to make me feed from living people all the time, at first. They wanted me to be him again. But I couldn't do it. I wouldn't. I didn't feed from any of the living humans they brought me. Even when the clan members would beat me and torture me, I still refused. So, eventually, they got bored. They stopped trying to make it happen and contented themselves with bringing me rats, instead. They thought it was amusing and I didn't care, as eating rats was something I didn't have a moral objection to.

I thought they understood by now that I'd rather starve, than kill a living person. I won't do this. I won't kill this girl.

"Puppy," Willow frowns. "Aren't you going to thank me for bringing you dinner?"

"Puppy?" The girl speaks up. "Who the hell is Puppy? Him? That's not a puppy, that's just Angel," she says. She looks at me and says, "Okay, if you're holding Angel captive, we really need Buffy in this world!!"

Angel. That's right, that's the name I took after I was cursed. I was beginning to think I'd never remember it again. And Buffy... that name sounds familiar, too.

Xander opens the door to my cage and shoves the girl inside. He and Willow follow. "Xander, stop pushing!" The girl screams.

"Cordelia would you PLEASE shut up?!" Xander yells and morphs into his demon face.

To her credit and my amazement, she doesn't even flinch, "No, I most definitely will NOT!" She yells back. "You wanna kill me? Come on, try it," she challenges. "I know a few things about slaying vampires."

Willow pouts. "It's more fun when they're screaming and running." She walks over to Xander and runs her hand over his chest as she sidles up to him. "But I guess watching Puppy play might be kinda fun, too" she shrugs.

"'Watching puppy play'?" The girl... Cordelia... looks back at me, confused. "Play what? 'Pick up sticks' with the matches?" She points at the burned up matches on the floor, from Willow's last play-session.

"Puppy..." Willow walks over to me. I scoot back against the wall, trying to keep distance between us. "You WILL play with Cordelia."

I shake my head, "No."

"XANDER!" Willow wails. "Puppy won't play!"

"Shhhh," Xander walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her on the neck. "It's okay, Baby," he says. "I'll make Puppy play nice, don't worry." He spins her around in his arms and kisses her deeply, making her whimper and rub against him.

"EEEEEEEEW!" Cordelia yells. "Will you two quit playing tonsil-hockey around me? God, isn't it enough that I took a metal pipe through my stomach because you cheated on me, Xander Harris?"

They break apart and Xander looks at me, ignoring Cordelia. "He'll play or I'll make him scream." He grins when I press myself even closer to the wall. He turns to Cordelia and says, "As for you... Are you sure you didn't hit your head, recently? Because you and I were never involved. I had a crush on you, but then I got turned. After a few months, I chose Willow to be mine. And, the rest is history."

He looks over at me. "I'll use small words so you'll be sure to understand. You said you were hungry, so there's dinner," he points at Cordelia.

"Okay, wait just a second," Cordelia says. "I'm a little slow today. Dinner. Shit, you want him to drink my blood???" She looks over at me, nervously. "Angel, you're still good in this reality, aren't you??" I nod and she sighs with relief. "Thank God."

"You'd better get OVER your delusions of goodness," Xander growls as he approaches me. "Drain her. That's not a request, it's an order." He smirks and adds, "Do it, or you'll get to watch me do it."

"Ooh," Willow grins. "I'd like watching you play, Xander."

I can't believe they expect me to do this. And I don't know what to do. I don't want to watch Xander torture and kill this human, Cordelia. But how can I hurt her? She seems to know who I am... she said something about 'this reality'... Maybe that means she knows me in a different world? So maybe she lives in a parallel reality, a Sunnydale where things are different. A Sunnydale where she trusts me?

As if to answer my questions, she moves closer to me, seeking protection from Xander and Willow. All I have to do is look at her face and see how afraid she is of them, to decide that I will protect her. I'll die doing it, if need be, but I won't be the one to kill her.

I stand between her and Xander. "Back off or I'll tear you to pieces," I threaten.

Xander growls. "Don't be stupid, Puppy. I was sired by the Master. I'm a very powerful vampire. Willow is too, since she's my childe and a witch. Now, as for you, you won't last five seconds against me if I wanted to kill you. We keep you underfed and let Willow play with you for a reason."

"'Play with you'?" Cordelia questions.

I sigh. She does deserve to know that what he says is probably true. So I shrug my shirt off and turn to look at her. She's horrified by what she sees.

"This is so not the way that stupid wish was supposed to go!" she wails and bursts into tears. "I just wanna go home!" she adds, slumping to the floor.

Xander and Willow laugh, cruelly. I keep my attention trained on them; ready to spring at the first sign that either one is going to attack Cordelia. A door open upstairs, and I've never been so happy to hear the voice of one of the clan members, as he calls for Willow and Xander. They leave, grumbling.

So, we've gotten a short reprieve.

~Part: 6~

I crouch down in front of the sobbing girl and reach out to her, hesitantly. I haven't touched anyone, except Willow, in so long. I take one of her hands and she looks up at me with her tear stained face. "Please don't cry," I say. "I won't let them hurt you." She doesn't seem to want me to let go of her hand, so I don't. Her skin is so soft, so warm.

She wipes her tears away with her free hand and tries to smile at me. I feel the warmth of the smile wash over me. I like the feeling; I haven't felt anything but the cold in a very long time. "I believe you," she says. "I can't tell you how glad I am to find you still being you, when everyone and everything else is so turned upside down."

"Tell me about it?" I request. "Your home?"

She nods and takes a deep breath. "I came from a different Sunnydale. A parallel universe, I guess. You were there, but you weren't in a cage. You helped Buffy slay demons."

"Buffy... the slayer," I reply as I remember finally what brought me to Sunnydale. "She never showed up here."

"I figured," Cordelia said. "Apparently that's my fault." At my puzzled statement, she sighs and adds, "I'm such an idiot. You see... I had a bad couple of months and everything bad seemed to be tied to Buffy being in Sunnydale. So... I wished that she'd never come to Sunnydale, but unfortunately it was within hearing of some weird wish-granting demon-girl. And... poof! No Buffy. Sunnydale is now Hell-world. And I'm gonna die, and it's all my fault!"

"No, it's not," I reply firmly. She looks skeptical and I say, "Millions of people, every day, wish certain things could happen to make their lives better. It is not your fault that a demon decided to grant your wish. Especially, when she knew what the consequences of that wish would be."

"You think?"

"I don't have any doubt about it," I say. "Demons like to make the lives of humans miserable. I'd even bet she tried very hard to get that wish out of you... didn't she?"

Cordelia thinks about that a moment, staring at the floor. "Well, yeah," she says, looking back up at me. "But I still feel like it's all my fault," she adds. "I mean, why didn't I know how important it was that Buffy was here??" she sighs. "And I can't believe *you're* being so nice about this, when it was my wish that got you into this mess."

"No, it wasn't," I argue. "The slayer didn't come, the Master rose and they captured me. A list of unfortunate circumstances, Cordelia, but you didn't have anything to do with my situation. If anything, it's the fault of the demon who granted your wish. But stop beating yourself up about it. We need to think about how to get things back the way they should be, so you can get home."

"I wish that was possible," she says sadly. "But there's no chance of fixing this, unless Buffy shows up... and I don't think she's going to. Giles... he was supposed to be her watcher... he was killed after he saved me from Willow and Xander. He didn't get a chance to call Buffy."

She looks up at me tearfully, "I don't want to die," she says.

I don't even think about it, I try to pull her gently into my arms. She pulls away before I can and I drop my hands quickly. I don't blame her for not wanting me to touch her. I'm a demon; she's a human. I've been told to kill her. She's right not to trust me completely. "I'm sorry," I mumble.

I'm amazed at what she says next. "Angel, it's not that I don't want you to hold me. God, I'm so scared... I just ... your injuries," she says.

I can't remember the last time someone wanted not to add to my pain. I'm so overwhelmed by this, it takes me a moment to find my voice again. "I'm pretty good at blocking out the pain," I say to her. "Besides, holding you would be probably as comforting for me as you," I admit. "I don't get a lot of attention that's not of the torturing kind."

"Well, if you promise I won't be hurting you..." she says.

"I promise," I reply. I reach for Cordelia again, hesitantly. She goes willingly into my arms this time and I pull her across my lap as I put my arms around her tightly. She leans against my chest carefully and I am amazed again at how much this girl trusts me. I can't remember the last time anyone trusted me. I want to deserve her trust. I don't like to see her so frightened and hopeless. I want to make her feel safer. I want to protect her from Willow and Xander.

I feel her body trembling and I know she's crying again. I tighten my arms around her in response.

Some time later, she finally stops crying. I think she's fallen asleep and I know it for certain when I hear her breathing slow. I lean back against the wall and let her sleep, hoping it will be a sleep with good dreams.

~Part: 7~

It's been an hour since Willow and Xander left. I know that from looking at Cordelia's watch. She begins to stir and eventually looks up at me. "Thank you for letting me sleep," she says.

"You don't have to thank me," I say with a shrug. "You've obviously had a very bad day." That gets a smile and I wish I could make that happen more.

"You could say that," she replies. "I'm so scared," she adds, her voice a whisper.

"I won't let them hurt you," I say as I run my fingers through her silky brown hair. Carefully chosen words, because I won't make a promise I'll have to break later. I know that as much as I may want to keep her safe and alive, I also know, deep down, that I can't.

"You think I can't read between the lines, Angel?" she asks. "I know you want to keep them from hurting me... but that doesn't mean I'll be alive tomorrow, either, does it?" I have to look away from her piercing eyes that tell me she knows the truth I can't deny.

She puts a hand to my cheek and I look at her again. "Just be straight with me," she requests. "I know you and I know you would die to save any person who was in danger. But Xander was right, wasn't he? You're not strong enough to get me out of this alive. You would die trying to protect me but I'd still die too, in the end."

"I honestly don't know," I admit. "I haven't fought in ... years. I would fight, though, if that's what you want."

"If you lost?" she wonders.

I don't want to think about that possibility, and she must see that in my expression. She takes one of my hands in hers and says, "Please, Angel, just tell me. I ... need to know."

I nod, knowing she's right. "I got the impression that the Xander from your Sunnydale was one of the good guys?" She nods and I add, "Make no mistake about it, Cordelia, that's not the case in this world. He's learned a lot about creative ways of inflicting pain, in the three years that I've been held here. He's cruel and sadistic. He likes to hear his victims scream. He doesn't know the meaning of the word mercy."

Cordelia shivers and I pull her closer. I hate to frighten her like that but she deserves honesty. She lays her head on my chest again and says, "I know your soul makes you not want to kill, Angel. But..."

I know what she's trying to ask. It's not like I haven't been thinking about it myself. And the fact is it's the soul that makes me ill at the thought of killing her. But it's also the soul that would keep me from making her death as painful as death from Xander would be. So it would be a mercy killing, kind of.

"I'd make it as painless as possible," I say softly. "And I will, if that's what you decide. Since that's really the least I can do for you."

She's silent for a while and I just let her be, running my fingers through her hair. I love the feel of it, so soft, and the action seems to calm her, too. "I'm sorry I can't offer you a better choice," I add.

She nods, "I know you are. I also know I can trust you."

The warmth of her body has also begun to warm mine and I like the way it feels. I'm not unaware of the fact that she really is beautiful, too. If I could get her out of here alive, I don't think I'd want her to leave this world. This is the first person who has looked at me without fear and I feel like if things were different we could be friends. Maybe more?

I shove those thoughts away, there's no use thinking about what could have been. I have to deal with the reality of the situation, which is that there's a very frightened human girl in my arms, facing almost certain death.

~Part: 8~

A door slams upstairs and Cordelia jumps. "No," she whispers, pressing closer to me.

"Shh," I whisper into her hair and hold her tightly. "It's okay, it wasn't the door to the basement."

"Oh god," she sobs, "I can't take this waiting."

I know how she feels. The hours I spend down here wondering when Willow or Xander will return are almost more torture than the actual torture. Some days I'm relieved when I finally catch the scent of one or both coming down the stairs, because then at least the wait is over.

But Cordelia needs a good distraction. I can't ask her about her home, it will just make her more sad. I don't really have any good stories to tell her, because I don't remember anything beyond the time I've been here. And those stories would not cheer her up. So... that leaves one other idea and I just might get smacked for it. But it's worth a shot.

I cradle her face in my hands, tilting it up slightly. She's still beautiful, even with the tear streaks down her face and her eyes filled with despair. I lean in, slowly, so she'll have every opportunity to shove me away if she wants it. she doesn't take the opportunity, though. I press my lips to hers and she tenses for a split second before she gives in with a shudder and a sigh. She starts to kiss me back and parts her lips to let me explore her mouth. I do so and taste the salt of her tears as well as the taste that is uniquely her. She tastes of strawberries, vanilla and sunlight.

She moans and wraps her arms around my neck and I feel like I want to cry. I don't deserve this trust and affection. I pull away sooner than I want to, but I know that unlike me, she needs to breathe.

She looks up at me and I can tell there's something troubling her. "Why'd you do that?" she wonders, looking genuinely confused. "Is this pity? Trying to make the poor human girl feel a little better before she dies?" she asks, her voice bitter.

"No," I reply firmly. "I kissed you because I wanted to, Cordelia. Because, the moment they brought you in here, I couldn't help thinking that you were one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen," I say honestly. She seems rather surprised by that, and I can't help wondering how she couldn't know how beautiful she is. "It has nothing to do with pity. If we had met out there and if I could get you past the point of wanting to run away from me screaming, because of what I am..." I shrug. "I'd want to spend time with you. I'd do my best to charm you into letting me kiss you." And more, I finish to myself.

She blushes, so I guess she is good at reading between the lines. She looks away and says, "I'm sorry for misunderstanding. It's just--"

"It's okay, it was a fair question," I reply, caressing her cheek tenderly. "But I wouldn't lie to you. I'm attracted to you, Cordelia, so I acted on it. But if you don't want me to kiss you again, I won't."

"But I do," she says, so quietly I wouldn't have heard it but for my vampire senses.

"You do?" I ask.

She nods, "I always thought you were good-looking. I guess I was a little jealous of Buffy, for getting to have you."

I'm not sure what to be more shocked about: the fact that I'm seeing the vampire slayer in Cordelia's Sunnydale, or the fact that I wouldn't want to be with Cordelia instead. I remember vaguely what Buffy looked like: blonde, young, pretty enough. However, she's far from the unique beauty I see when I look at Cordelia.

"I must be very stupid, in your Sunnydale," I say.

Cordelia's grin lights up my cell. "That is such a sweet thing to say," she whispers. She leans closer and kisses me and I wrap my arms around her waist as I let her control the kiss this time. She tugs my lower lip between her teeth and I groan. She smiles against my mouth and darts her tongue out between my lips. I part my lips eagerly and pull her closer as I savor the amazing feeling of her slow and thorough exploration of my mouth.

I rub my hands up and down her sides slowly and I don't miss the way her heart rate speeds up when my fingers get close to her breasts. I don't doubt she's attracted to me, but she's also young. She's probably eighteen at the oldest which means, I hope, that she's not very experienced. I hope, because I want my assumption of her innocence to be correct. Even if I am fighting the urge to help her get rid of some of that innocence.

~Part: 9~

We've been sitting like this, just kissing, for some time now. I could spend the rest of my life kissing Cordelia, I think. She pulls her mouth away after a while longer, and moves to straddle my hips. She looks into my eyes for a moment before she leans in again and nips at my throat. She bites down hard and I jump. "Cordelia," I moan, as I feel myself getting aroused. My cock is hard and it takes an enormous amount of self-control to let her control the pace of this... whatever it is we're doing.

I don't really expect that she wants to have sex with me. But that's okay. I'll let her take this as slowly as she wants, and we'll stop when she wants. Because for the first time in too many years, I feel like I matter to someone. I feel like someone cares, and that thought brings tears to my eyes. Tears I can't hold back.

Cordelia looks at me, concerned. "Angel?" Her hand strokes my cheek and that just makes it harder to get myself under control. "What's wrong?" she asks.

I just shake my head, my voice wouldn't cooperate if I could find the words to explain how I feel right now.

She pulls my head to her shoulder and I take her up on the invitation. She runs her hands lightly over my back. I know she's afraid of hurting me by touching the cuts and gashes in my skin. I don't know what I did to deserve having this angel walk into my life, even if it is only going to last a short time.

"I'm sorry," I say as I finally get myself under control and pull away. "I'm supposed to be comforting you--"

"Says who?" Cordelia replies with a smile. "You don't need to explain, or apologize. I can't imagine what it's been like for you, being here in this awful place. You haven't had anyone touch you without intending to hurt you in all that time, have you?"

"Longer," I say quietly. "I honestly can't remember the last time I had any kind of comforting physical contact. I suspect it was before the curse. I wish--" I catch myself and stop.

"I know. Me too," she says with a small smile. "I guess we should just enjoy what time we do have," she suggests. "And, Angel," she looks away for a second before meeting my eyes again. "I made my decision. I ... I'd rather you killed me than Xander."

I can almost taste her fear in the air. Even if she trusts me, she's still afraid of her death. I understand that. I wasn't much older myself, when I was killed. True, I came back, but I still tasted death. I remember the fear when I realized I was dying. I hate that I won't be able to keep her from feeling that.

She's still waiting for an answer. "Okay," I agree with a nod. I take her face in my hands. "I swear to you, Cordelia, that you will feel very little pain."

She nods, tearfully and I kiss her gently. I still want this girl, this woman. Maybe, if she will allow it, I can give her some pleasure before she dies. I pull back and say, "I want to ask you something, but I want you to tell me if I've crossed a line, here. Feel free to slap me."

She frowns and shrugs. "I never hold back on voicing my opinion about things," she says.

"I imagine this is going to sound very bizarre," I say. "But I want you, Cordelia. I want to make love with you."

She stares at me, shocked for a very long time. I think it's a good ten minutes before she speaks. I'm sure she's going to tell me I'm a selfish, chauvinistic pig. But she doesn't. She nods and says, "I want you to. But... I'm a virgin," she admits looking away.

"So?" I ask, putting my fingers under her chin and turning her to meet my eyes again.

"Well, some guys find that weird," she shrugs. "I mean, I am eighteen..."

I just smile, and say, "I don't find it weird. I think you're smart to have waited. But I do want you to understand that I don't want to pressure you, Cordelia. If you change your mind and want to stop - at any point - I want you to tell me. Okay?"

"Okay," she says with a smile.

I lean in to kiss her again and she takes my hands, moving them to her breasts. I squeeze them gently, through the fabric of her dress and she whimpers. I kiss my way down her throat and suck on the spot over her jugular vein, eliciting a loud moan from her. My hands are still kneading her breasts and she's got her fingers playing with the hair at the base of my neck. It makes shivers run down my spine and she laughs in response to my reaction. It's such a beautiful sound.

I growl when Cordelia slides further up my thighs to grind herself against my cock. Her skirt has slid up and I can feel her sex through the fabric of her panties and my slacks. I move my hands to her ass and pull her closer, making her whimper. I moan when she gets brave enough to run her hands over my chest. "Don't stop," I say when she pulls away, afraid to hurt me. She begins to tease my nipples with her fingers and I moan at the feeling of her hands touching me. Just her slightest touch sets my skin on fire.


Willow and I return to our room before heading back down to the basement. She flips on the television that's connected to the security camera downstairs and a minute later I hear her moan.

Curious as to what she sees, I walk up behind her and take a look. Oh, how cute. Puppy and Cordelia are having a little fun, making out. Cordelia's still dressed, but she doesn't seem to want to stay that way. I'm surprised, really surprised, at what I'm seeing. Cordy always had that reputation, but I assumed it was just talk. She gave me the impression she was too much an 'Ice Queen' for that. But maybe I was wrong.

I can smell Willow's lust and I'm not sure whether I'm angry or grateful. I guess I'm both. I'm angry, because it sure as hell wasn't me who turned her on. I'm also grateful, because maybe, just maybe, if I play this right, I'll get to benefit from her arousal. I decide to just go with the situation. I'll take my anger out on Puppy later, but right now I'll enjoy spending some time with Willow.

I wrap my arms around her waist and she sighs, never taking her eyes off the sight in front of her. I kiss her neck, nibbling at it gently. She moans, rubbing her ass back against my hardening cock. I smile at her agreeable mood. This is good. I slip one hand down under her leather pants, seeking out her pussy. She whimpers asI stroke a finger along her outer lips. She's so wet, so ready for me already.

"Xander," she moans when I bite down on her neck with my blunt teeth. That's right, Will, remember who it is that's touching you.

"I want to fuck you, Willow," I murmur in her ear. My thumb brushes over her clit and she cries out, gasping for breath. "I want to take you hard and fast and hear you scream my name," I continue. I feel her juices leaking out over my hand as I slip a finger just slightly into her entrance.

"Yes," she hisses, grinding her ass against me. I remove my hand and she whimpers.

"Not yet" I whisper, just before I bite down on her earlobe, causing her to shout my name. "I don't want you to come, not until my cock is inside you," I say. I unbutton her leather pants, pulling them down off her legs. She steps out of them as she removes her top, keeping her back to me so she can watch our souled pet vampire fucking... I take a moment to watch, and have to admit, it's not fucking. It's typical of him, to be so gentle and sweet and slow and shit he makes me sick. I didn't put that human in there with him so they could go all Romeo and Juliet on us.

However, Romeo and Juliet did kill each other, so Puppy and Cordy could prove to be rather amusing. I smile as the thought occurs to me, that it would relieve my problem of Will's obsession with Angelus.

But why am I brooding, when I should be fucking? My beautiful Willow's standing here, pleasuring herself with her hands. I can't have that, now, can I? I strip quickly and walk up behind her, pulling her hands away. She whines and I growl a warning. I am still the sire, here. The Master thinks I don't assert my authority enough with her, and maybe he's right. But damn it, I love her, so it makes it a little more difficult to dominate her. I live for the sole reason of making her smile as much as possible. The loss of my soul didn't change that fact. I may own her, but she owns me too. And I'd give her anything she wants; she knows that.

Besides, she loves me too. I know she does. She still comes back to my bed every night, doesn't she? That has to count for something.

I put my hands on her hips and walk us back toward the bed. She gets on the bed on all fours, still watching the activity in the basement. I growl as I look at her beautiful ass. Such a temptation, but I won't go there. Like I said, she's got me wrapped around her little finger and she has never allowed me to take her up the ass. She somehow managed to keep even the Master from doing that, when he demanded she spend a night with him, not long after I'd turned her. I'm not upset about that; I'm glad he didn't get to have her in a way I didn't. I know that she did fuck him... and suck him. And I need not to think about those things or I'm going to lose interest in fucking now.

I stroke my cock a few times, and then kneel between her legs. I let my cock rub between the lips of her cunt a few times, making her whimper and moan. She grabs it and I groan as she guides me to her entrance. I grab her by the hips and slam into her. She screams and I growl when her muscles contract around me, adjusting to the sudden invasion. It takes all my willpower not to spill my seed inside her, immediately.

I begin thrusting into her and Willow moans and moves against my thrusts. I'm not Angelus and I don't feel like taking this slow so I speed up, slamming into her. She begins to whimper, and pant, pushing back against me each time I thrust inside her. "Xander please," she gasps. I pull her back to sit on my thighs, leaning back against my chest. I guide her for a few seconds. "FUCK!" She screams, and I know that the change in angle has done the trick. I'm hitting her g-spot every time she comes down on my cock. "Xander," she moans when I seek out her clit with my fingers. I brush my fingers against it and she growls.

I'm close already. I can feel my orgasm approaching. I increase the pressure on her clit, bringing her nearer to the edge, too. When I know that she's almost there, I slip into gameface. I pinch her clit at the same time that I sink my fangs into her shoulder. She cries my name as she comes. Her muscles squeeze my cock and I follow her with a roar as I continue to drink from her. My fingers are still working her clit and my name has barely left her lips when she tenses up again. I dig a fingernail into her clit and she screams bloody murder, her body shaking violently. I bring her down more gently this time. When her unnecessary breathing has stopped I move her off me, gently.

She sighs happily and turns to look at me, with a smile. "That was fun. Again, now?"

I groan, but can't help nodding. This girl is going to be the - second - death of me.

~Part: 10~

I move one of my hands to the zipper of Cordelia's dress. She doesn't try to stop me, so I pull it down slowly. "Angel," she whimpers and I take that as a request to continue. I trail my hands up over her back to her shoulders, biting my lip to keep from crying out when she starts grinding herself against my cock again. I find the ability to move and pull the straps of her dress off her arms.

I pull the bodice of her dress down and take a deep breath when I gaze at her perfect, round breasts, encased in the fabric of her white, lacy bra. I don't know what to say. She is so perfect and beautiful. The look on my face must give it away, though, because she smiles and blushes.

Part of me wants to take my time worshipping this beautiful woman. But I know that our time is short and if they return they'll expect me to kill her. So I can't take this as slowly as I'd like, but I think she understands that.

I move my hands back to her breasts and knead them gently, eliciting another long moan from her. She arches against my hands and I knead them harder. She closes her eyes, biting her lip to keep from crying out. I love her reactions, she's so open with how my every action affects her. I slip one of my hands under her bra to cup her breast and she moans again. She whimpers when I brush my fingers across her nipple. I pinch it and she gasps my name.

I move my other hand to the clasp of her bra and unfasten it quickly. I hear her heart rate speed up when I slide the straps down her arms, pulling her bra off. "So beautiful," I whisper as I take in her perfectly sized breasts. I put one of my arms behind her back and lower her to the ground, onto what's left of my shirt. Her dress is still halfway on, but I leave it there. I don't want her to feel pressured.

She shivers as her skin makes contact with the cold floor and I lay on my side next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist. As if I could actually warm her. I wish I could offer her something more. Cordelia's first time should be in a bed of satin sheets, in a room filled with lit candles. Not on the hard, cold, dirty floor of a vampire's cage.

"Angel," she brings me back with a hand against my cheek. "I want to be with you. I don't care where we are."

I think she must be a mind reader. I smile and lean down to kiss her gently. Her hands roam my chest, then around to my back, carefully. I don't feel the irritation of my injuries, though, only the heaven that is her touch. I kiss my way down her throat and continue down to her breasts. Her breathing speeds up as I reach my destination. I take one of her breasts into my mouth and suckle it. My cock twitches when she moans and gasps underneath me. Her hands move to my head to hold me in place and I smile against her skin. I have no interest in going anywhere, anytime soon. My other hand travels to her neglected breast, to knead it.

I can smell Cordelia's arousal growing, and I hope that they won't return before I've given her the pleasure she deserves. I bite down on her nipple with my blunt teeth and she cries out, arching against me. She's panting now, trying to catch her breath. I pull away and she moans with disappointment. I smile up at her, "Don't worry, Cordelia, I'm not going to stop until you tell me to."

"No... chance... of that," she manages with a smile. I chuckle and kiss my way across to her other breast, giving it the same treatment as the other one. My hand palms the breast I just abandoned, alternately kneading it and rolling the nipple between my fingers.

When I'm content that I've paid her breasts the proper amount of attention, I pull away again and look up at her face. She's incredibly gorgeous, when she's overcome with desire. She's panting, and her eyes are glazed over. She pulls on my hair and I crawl up along her body again to kiss her. I lower my body to hers and we both moan at the feeling of skin on skin. I brace myself on my elbows on either side of her head, so I won't crush her, as I reacquaint myself with her mouth. I break the kiss when she arches against me, rubbing her hardened nipples against my chest. "Cordelia," I groan, burying my face in her neck. I nip and suck at the skin over her jugular. She whimpers and rubs up against me. I whimper and bite down hard with my blunt teeth in response. "ANGEL!" She yells and I groan as my cock gets even harder.

I kiss my way down to her chest again, between her beautiful breasts and down to her stomach. She giggles as I nuzzle her stomach. I stop and smile up at her. I wish could hear that sound for the rest of my life. I don't let that train of thought continue, however. I can't let myself get distracted by regret, now. Plenty of time for that later.

I dip my tongue into her navel and she moans so I do it again. "Angel," Cordelia says, her voice pleading.

"Yes?" I raise my head up and ask innocently.

She frowns. "You know damn well, what! Get on with... whatever," she blushes and finishes vaguely.

"I want to finish taking your dress off," I say. She nods and I pull the dress down to her hips. She lifts them to assist me, and I pull it down over her legs. I take the time to fold it and lay it to the side then return to her. She giggles, as if amused by my earlier actions. I shrug and say, "I seem to remember being accused of having a little compulsion about neatness, in the past."

"That sounds about right," she replies with a smile.

I let my eyes roam over the rest of her body. She's wearing white panties, damp with her desire. I force myself to move on, and my eyes travel down her legs. They're well-shaped and muscular and I can tell that she keeps in shape. I kiss my way down her body again to her stomach. Her heart rate has sped up again, so I pause and look up into her face. "Cordelia, if you want to stop..."

"No," she says, with a tentative smile. "I'm just... a little nervous, but I don't want to stop, Angel. Just..."

"As slow as you need," I reply with a smile of my own. She relaxes a little at that. I kneel beside her legs and run my hands down over her thighs to her knees and back again. She shivers and I do it again, subtly pulling her legs apart slightly. I take a chance and pull her thighs further apart. She doesn't resist and I'm relieved that she trusts me. She knows I'm not going to do anything she's not ready for.

I crawl between her knees and she watches me intently. I make sure she's watching me as I lean down, putting my hands on her thighs again, pushing them wider apart. I press an open-mouthed kiss to the inner thigh of her leg, just below the fabric of her panties. She moans softly and I continue, kissing slowly down her leg. She moans and whimpers, and I savor the taste of her skin. When I reach her foot, I kiss my way down to her toes, sucking each one into my mouth slowly. "ANGEL," she moans loudly. I look up at her face. She's clearly surprised that I could get that reaction out of her. I smile, rather pleased with myself that I showed her something she didn't know she'd enjoy. I'm sure it won't be the first thing, either. Well, I hope it won't.

I kiss my way back up her leg, just as slowly. When I reach her fabric-covered sex, I can see how wet she is. I can smell her arousal, it fills the air around us. It's all I can do not to rip her panties off and bury my face in her wet curls, licking her and making her come until she can't come anymore. I force myself to wait, moving to her other leg. I repeat my earlier actions with that leg, and then pause. I sit up and look at her.

Gods, she is so beautiful. Her breasts are heaving, from her attempts to catch her breath, her face is flushed with desire. And the way she looks at me, like I'm not a monster, it's an unbelievable feeling. She wants me. I know that, even if I don't understand why she wants me. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve to have her, even for whatever short amount of time we've been granted.

The expression on her face tells me that she doesn't want me to stop. She looks at me, shyly, and smiles. I smile back. She makes me forget what I am. I think, if things were different, I could love her. I wonder if she could ever love me? I shake that thought away quickly. This is about the here and now.

I breathe in the scent of her arousal. It makes me even harder but this isn't about me. Not yet, anyway. I lean down and place several open-mouthed kisses to her sex, through her panties. She moans and curls her fingers in my hair. I smile and continue the slow torture.

"Angel, please," she chokes out.

I look up at her, waiting until she meets my eyes. Then I put my hands at the waistband of her panties, pulling them down. She lifts her hips to help me as I pull them off her legs completely.

Finally, she's completely nude and I find myself overwhelmed by her beauty. "You are so incredibly gorgeous," I whisper, and she blushes again.

I settle back onto the floor on my stomach, my head between her legs. I have to taste her, just once. I lean down and lick between her outer lips, savoring the taste of her. She moans loudly and I savor that too.

"OH my god," she gasps and grabs my hair when I push my tongue into her slick entrance. I move my tongue inside her, slowly, listening to her moans and whimpers. I find her clit with my fingers and rub it as I continue to fuck her with my tongue. She squeals and bucks her hips up against me. I bring her to the edge but keep her there for a while, while she chants my name over and over again.

I withdraw my tongue, licking her once more and she whimpers in disappointment. I suck her clit into my mouth and she screams, "OH GOD! ANGEL!" I bite down gently and she climaxes, screaming my name and arching up against me. I lap up her juices as she comes down from her orgasm, shaking and fighting to catch her breath.

I crawl back up her body and settle on my side next to her. I can't help but smile at the completely dazed look on her face. I kiss her, softly, and she moans into my mouth. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and pulls me on top of her. I brace my weight on my hands, on either side of her head, as I explore her mouth again with my tongue. I pull away eventually, as I know she needs to breathe, and look into those unbelievably beautiful eyes. She smiles at me and I smile back.

This is amazing. Feeling so comfortable with someone. I haven't felt it in years. Decades. So content and happy.

I just wish I could think of a way to make this last forever.

~Part: 11~

She's still watching him, even though she supposedly wants to have sex again with me. And it was fun the first time, but I'm not interested in a repeat performance. I grab the remote control and turn off the television. Willow pouts but I'm not giving in to her, not this time. "No," I say firmly. "If you want to watch them, go downstairs. I've seen enough of him to last me a good century."

I know how I sound, like a spoiled little boy who doesn't want to share. Well, maybe that's because it's what I am, but I don't care. Why should I have to share Willow with that disgusting, pathetic excuse for a vampire? He used to be the Scourge of Europe and now he's nothing. Willow needs to remember that. Other vampires are going to start talking, if I continue to let her spend so much time with him.

"You're jealous," she teases as she crawls toward me with a little smile. "Xander, there's no reason for that." With a little shove, I'm lying on my back. She straddles me and I'm completely hard again. "I'm yours," she whispers, taking my hands and moving them to her breasts. I give her what she wants, kneading them hard, and she whimpers. "You're my sire, my lover, my friend, my mate." She continues grinding against me and I groan as I feel her juices leaking out onto my cock. She leans down and thrusts against me. She moans, apparently the change in angle brought me in contact with her clit.

Fuck, I can't take much more of this. I want to fuck her NOW. I catch her glancing over at the television, as if she's hoping to see him. You've got to be kidding me! She doesn't need to use him to have amazing orgasms, and I'll prove that to both of us. I flip us over and begin kissing my way down her body. I latch onto one of her nipples with my teeth and tug at it. She moans and pulls my head against her. I take her entire breast into my mouth and she arches against me as I begin to suckle her, hard. One hand kneads her other breast, hard enough to hurt, and the other trails down to her sex. I plunge two fingers inside her slick passage and start fucking her with them.

She gasps and arches up against me. "XanderXanderXander..." she chants my name over and over as she writhes underneath me. That's it, my beautiful Willow. I can make you scream too. I find her clit with my thumb and twist it roughly, sending her into orgasm. She screams my name as she comes.

Oh hell, I'm so hard I can't stand it anymore. I withdraw my fingers from her and then, before she can complain, I thrust my cock inside her, all the way. She lets out a keening sound and her muscles tighten around me. I drive into her repeatedly, without taking the time to let her recover or adjust to the invasion. She whimpers, clawing at my back. I lean down and capture a breast in my mouth, biting it. My pubic bone hits her clit as I slam into her harder, and she climaxes with a wail.

I continue to pound into her, harder than before, bringing her back to the edge again within seconds. She orgasms again with a moan. I roll us over, deciding it's time to let her play a little now. I growl when she claws her nails down my chest. She laughs, sensuously and then starts slamming herself down onto me, bracing her hands on my chest. I play with her breasts and watch her beautiful face as she gets closer to yet another climax. She looks straight ahead of her, and moans, "Angelussssss."

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I scream furiously. I shove her off of me and jump out of bed. She blinks at me as she lies there, obviously unaware of the reason for my anger. "YOU SAY HIS NAME WHEN WE'RE FUCKING?" I shout. "HELL NO! I WILL NOT TOLERATE THAT!" I glance over at the television set. It's on. One of us must've hit the damn power button on the remote, so that explains it. But that doesn't mean I'm going to forgive her for saying HIS name. I let out another roar, I'm so fucking mad, I can't SEE straight. I grab the remote and throw it at the television, shattering the display and shorting it out.

"Xander, you're scaring me," she whimpers.

"TOO FUCKING BAD! I COULD BE DOING MUCH WORSE TO YOU, YOU BITCH!" I'm screaming at the top of my lungs now, but I don't give a shit. Let the whole fucking place hear this, I've had enough. "I'VE GIVEN YOU EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING! BUT NO WHAT YOU REALLY WANT IS THAT ... THAT... THING????"

"Xander, no," she says, crying now.

Damn it, I'm not going to give IN to her! Not this time! "You know what I SHOULD do to you for this," I growl. "But I think there's something else I can do, and it will be a more effective punishment." I grab the bedpost and yank it, splintering off a two-foot piece. "No more Puppy. EVER again."

I turn and find my jeans and boots, pulling them on. I ignore my painful erection; I've got more important things to take care of now.

I walk out without another word to her, locking the door behind me. Willow screams and pounds on the door but I don't care. She'll get over it. She's mine. And it's time she REALLY understands that.


Cordelia and I are lying tangled together, me watching her catch her breath. I whimper when she reaches between us and takes my throbbing erection in her hand. She grins at my response and starts to stroke me, hesitantly. I groan and pull her hand away. She looks hurt and I know she misunderstood my reaction.

"Cordelia, I didn't make you stop because I didn't like what you were doing," I say. "I made you stop because you were doing it too well, and I wasn't going to last much longer if you kept it up."

She blushes and I kiss her softly. "Angel, I ... I want you, inside me," she says.

"Are you sure?" I ask, "because we don't have to--"

"I'm positive," she interrupts me, caressing my cheek with one hand. "And ready."

I nod and settle on top of her, positioning my cock at her entrance. "Look at me," I request. She complies and I smile down at her, kissing her softly. I pull away but hold her gaze as I push inside her, so slowly. Oh, fuck me. She's so tight, so warm. So perfect. I've never felt anything so amazing.

"Oh, god, Angel," she moans, her arms sliding around me to pull me closer. She kneads at the muscles in my back and throws her head back, gasping for air. I contine to enter her, so slowly, not wanting to hurt her. But I'm worried my control will snap any second, and I'll not be able to keep myself from just fucking her.

No. I will control myself. I fight to keep power over the demon inside me, as I continue to move deeper nto her welcoming body. She cries out, her nails digging into my back, as I push past the barrier of her virginity.

"Shh," I whisper into her ear, running my hands through her hair as I remain still. "No more pain, I promise. Only pleasure you haven't even dreamed of." I nibble on her earlobe and she moans, arching against me and pushing my cock further inside her. We both groan in response.

"Shit, Cordelia," I say, my voice husky with desire. "So beautiful. So right. So perfect. Too perfect." Our eyes lock, and she smiles. Gods, I could get lost in her smile, her eyes, her body.

I feel her hands trail down over my back to squeeze my ass, and I whimper. I slowly push deeper inside her, until I'm completely sheathed inside her heat. The look of complete amazement on her face must mirror mine. Because I never even knew it could feel like this.

I pull out, almost all the way, and then plunge back inside her. She gasps and arches up against me, her breasts rubbing against my chest. I look into her face to see if she's all right and her expression reassures me. I suck on her lower lip, nipping and tugging it between my teeth as I withdraw again. Then as I push back into her, my tongue slips into her mouth. She moans and her nails scratch lightly up and down my back. I purr and feel her smile against my lips.

I set a slow, steady pace, slow withdrawals followed by quick thrusts back inside. My tongue mirrors my actions and soon she's lifting her hips to meet mine. After a few minutes of this, she's moaning and writhing beneath me. I keep my eyes on her face, watching her as the emotions flit across it. Lust, happiness, trust.

I'm groaning and whimpering, as if I've never felt this before. And I haven't. I've had sex so many times, I've lost count. But I've never, in two hundred and forty years, made love with someone. And that's what this is. It's not a quick fuck, using a willing female body to get off.

I could, if I had the time, fall in love with this woman, who is lying in a state of complete ecstasy underneath me.

I pull out, all the way this time. She gets this look of complete disbelief as I reposition my arms underneath her knees, spreading her open further. I thrust into her again and her eyes open wide, only able to gasp as I hit her g-spot. I grin, rather pleased with myself, and do it again. She squeals this time, her muscles quivering around me. I bite my lip to keep myself from spilling my seed inside her. Not yet.

I thrust into her again, and again, speeding up every time she asks me to. She's panting for breath now, as I am. I know she's close and, damn, I am too. I lean my head down to lick and bite at the skin of her throat. She starts chanting my name as I bring her closer to orgasm.

"Oh fuck," I groan, as I feel the familiar tightening in my balls that tells me I'm going to come. I nibble my way up her throat to her ear. "Come on, Beautiful. Come for me," I whisper huskily and then pull away to look into her eyes. After three more thrusts, her body tenses, her muscles clamping down on my cock. We scream each other's names as we come simultaneously.

Wow. That's another thing I've never had happen before.

Before I can stop myself, I slip into gameface and sink my fangs into her throat. She moans loudly as a second orgasm hits her. I drink down her sweet blood, as I spill my seed into her welcoming passage. I keep pumping into her, prolonging her climax. My hand slides between us and I work her clit between my thumb and forefinger, tugging and pinching at it. She digs her nails into my back, drawing blood, and then lets out this keening sound as she has her third orgasm in just five minutes. She arches up against me and grabs my hair with her hands, holding my mouth to her throat as she fights for breath.

The feeling of her muscles fluttering around me have made me hard again and I continue to thrust into her, slowing down a little. She eventually falls limply back to the floor, still making little whimpering sounds as I pull my fangs out of her throat and lick her wound closed.

I flip us over so she's on top and she moans at the jolt which sends my cock deeper into her body. She raises her head and looks at me questioningly. "Sit up," I urge softly. She does, even though she's obviously still dazed from the three consecutive orgasms. I must admit, I'm pretty fucking pleased with myself.

"Ride me," I say. She looks at me, hesitantly and I smile. "It's okay, Cordelia, I'll show you." I put my hands at her hips and she raises up until just the tip of my cock is inside her. She lowers herself back down slowly and I moan. "Yeah, that's it," I whisper. "Just like that. A little faster, if you can take it."

She nods and soon she gains confidence, riding me faster. Harder. After a few minutes, she's slamming herself down on me repeatedly, both of us moaning and whimpering. My pubic bone is hitting her clit and I can tell she's not going to last much longer. "ANGEL!" She begs. I sit up, burying my fangs in her throat again. She screams as she comes, and I follow her with a growl. She holds my head to her and I wrap my arms around her waist, holding her close.

I try to withdraw my fangs, but her fingers tighten in my hair. "No, don't stop," she whispers, ducking her head down to whisper in my ear. "He's... here," she says and I taste the fear in her blood. Shit. Xander. I can sense him, behind me. I didn't before, because I was too wrapped up in her.

Fuck. Cordelia. I am so sorry. It shouldn't end like this.

"It's okay," she whispers. Again, it's like she can read my mind. "I know. I don't blame you." I tangle one of my hands in her hair as I keep drinking. I let go for a while, giving the demon the opportunity to take over just a little. I wouldn't be able to keep drinking, otherwise. I don't have it in me anymore, to kill a human.

She doesn't fight me. Even at the very end, when most humans, even the willing ones, put up a final struggle, she doesn't. She just clutches me tightly to her until I hear her heartbeat and breathing slow down and finally stop. And after a moment, I realize the tears I taste are mine.

I could have loved her.

Maybe she could have loved me, too.

But I'll never know that now.

"I love you," she whispers faintly. Then one more breath is all I hear.

She's dead.

I killed her.

~Part: 12~

When I get down to the basement, I can smell the sex in the air. I turn the corner and see him drinking from her. She looks up at me, fear in her eyes and I grin. She whispers something to him and he tenses but keeps drinking.

I guess I'll let him kill her, first. It's the least he can do for me, after all the shit he's put me through. Then I'll dust him.

As I watch him, though, my erection throbs with need. I can't help thinking that what I'm seeing before me is exactly the way Angelus would've drained his prey, in the past. Fuck, it's so ... erotic.

I remember all the stories the Master told me about him. Well, actually, I just sat and feigned boredom, while he told Willow the tales of Angelus, The Scourge of Europe. One of the most feared vampires of his time. I don't think I would've minded knowing him... that is, if I happened to be on his good side. Somewhere, deep down, I think I've tried to emulate him. An evil like his is something to aspire to.

The better stories about him are the ones Darla tells Wills. Again, I'm usually sitting nearby pretending to be bored. Stories of how they'd feed and fuck. Stories of how they'd sometimes fuck their prey at the same time, then feed, then fuck each other until one of them passed out from the pleasure. Those always get Willow so turned on ... that she has to go to him to get her need taken care of.

And I always wonder: why? Everytime I look at him, I see just a hollow reminder of who he used to be. I don't understand the attraction. Why doesn't Willow see him for what he is now? Why does she go to him for a fuck?

Oh, well. It's not something I need to be irritated about for much longer. It's gonna be a dead issue by the time the day is over.

I glance over at him, in the moment he drains the girl completely. He tears his fangs out of her skin, and howls. The sound sends shivers down my spine. Shit, he really has become nothing more than an animal. It's a real shame, too, because the way the Master talks about Angelus, I think he must've been the most amazing vampire ever. But now he's contaminated with a soul that keeps him from making use of the demon inside him.

I'm really doing Angelus a favor. I'm sure whatever's left of him has to be beyond disgusted with what he's become. He would thank me, since there's no way to bring him back. The Master researched for years, Darla still hasn't given up. But Willow couldn't even come up with anything, and the Master has always been impressed with her power. So it's really useless.

Angelus is gone. This thing that has his face, his body, it needs to be destroyed.

"FUCK IT ALL TO HELL! WILL YOU SHUT UP, YOU BASTARD?" I scream. Damn it, he's hurting my ears with all that wailing.

He turns and looks at me. The look of grief on his face, it's repulsive. And I know, without a doubt, that I'm doing the right thing here. For so many reasons. For Angelus but also for us. This creature is a disgrace to the Clan of Aurelius.

He tries to glare and then turns back to the dead girl. He lays her down and drapes his clothes over her. Aw, how sweet. Excuse me while I go puke.

I unlock the cage and step inside. "Your time here is ov- SHIT!" I finish in surprise when he tackles me, pinning me to the floor. No matter. A well placed knee to the groin, and he snarls and rolls off me, clutching at his balls. "I was planning on just staking you, quickly," I mutter as I retrieve the makeshift stake from the floor. "But now I'm thinking you need one last lesson. Don't you, Puppy?"

WHAT THE FUCK! That's my first coherent thought, after he slams me up against one of the walls of his cage. I elbow him hard in the ribs, and hear a crack. He grunts and stumbles back. I retreat from the cage quickly, slamming the door behind me. "Keep it up, asshole!" I yell. "It's been a while since I've participated in a twenty-four hour torture session, but I'm definitely in need of the practice. You volunteering?"

"Fuck you."

I laugh. "Only in your dreams, Puppy." I shake my head and turn to the wall. Now, where should I start...

Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this.


I'm not sure how long he's been at it. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters anymore. I don't even try to resist him. At first, I had a vague thought of snapping his neck. He deserves it; he made me do this. But then I realized that I can't touch him. And I deserve this. I need to die for what I did to her. Who care's who does it? As long as it's done, that's the important thing.

I glance over at the dead body and I feel the pain rip through me. It's not from the whip he's using, but from the knowledge that I proved what I am. A demon. A killer. Something that shouldn't be.

Another kick to the ribs with his steel-toed boots, and I pause a moment to take inventory. That's five broken ribs, now. I've become numb to the pain, though. And that seriously pisses him off. He keeps screaming. About Willow. Hell, I suppose I should be laughing, taunting him.

She screamed my name while they were fucking.

That's pretty damn funny.

But I don't feel like laughing. I don't deserve to laugh. Or be. So in a way, I guess I'm grateful to him. Since he'll soon be granting my ultimate wish: to cease to exist.

I gasp and clutch at my stomach as I feel something more painful than anything I've ever experienced surge through my body. I can't hold back the scream, when it happens again. What's happening to me? I feel like I'm being pulled in two, literally.


"What the hell?" I step back when he screams, in obvious agony. I didn't even touch him. He does it again, louder, and I back up even further. He slumps to the floor, still clutching his waist. He's panting and whimpering. Okay. Well, he's in pain, so that's of the good. Whatever caused it doesn't really matter, I guess.

After about five minutes of more screaming, he's silent. He's curled into a tight ball, his back to me. The only movement is caused by his gasps for breath.

I walk a little closer. "Hey," I nudge him with my boot. "HEY!" I yell again and prepare to break another rib.

He yanks at my leg, sending me onto my ass. "FUCKING HELL!" I scream. And before I know it, I've got two-hundred-some pounds of very naked, male vampire pinning me to the floor. He grabs my hands, pinning them above my head. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I demand. "YOU DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD PAIN, YET, YOU SON OF A BITCH! I'M GONNA-"

And then the bastard KISSES me! I try to pull my mouth away but he's got one hand wrapped painfully into my hair, holding my head still as he shoves his fucking TONGUE down my throat. His other hand grips both my wrists, still above my head. And his entire body is pressed down on top of mine, which keeps me from going anywhere. You know, it just occurred to me. I am SO screwed.

Then he rolls his hips against mine and I realize what a poor choice of words that was.


Oh yeah, Baby, I'm back. That soul is SO fucking gone! I know this for certain, because as I kiss the boy, I'm contemplating a list of really fun things I can do to him. And I don't feel guilty about any of them!

Now this is so much more like it. I could laugh from sheer, fucking giddiness! I'm back! Look out, world, Angelus the Scourge of Europe - soon to be the Scourge of the whole damn world - is ready to maim, torture and destroy, again. Gods, life is good when you're me.

Xander's fighting me, of course. But I wouldn't have it any other way. It's that much more enjoyable, when you get them to the point in which they're a quivering mass of flesh, writhing under you and begging you to fuck them, saying please while they're at it. I can't remember the last time I had this much fun... it was with my Will, probably. But that was a century - too damn long - ago. I really, desperately, need a good fuck. Luckily, the boy currently pinned underneath me will oblige that need. He doesn't realize it yet, but he will.

I'm hurting, from the broken ribs, no doubt about it. However, thanks to his and Willow's torture sessions, I've developed the ability to tolerate pain, block it out of my mind. So there's no way I'm going to let a little pain hold me back now. It's been too long since I was fucking, instead of being fucked. And I've missed it.

He's quite the feisty one, though. Squirming underneath me, trying to get away. His struggle only serves to make my cock much harder, though. So that's, as I've heard him say, 'of the good.' But seriously, I do like to have my hands free for something other than restraining my prey - I mean...

No. I really did mean 'prey'.

I let my eyes wander around the room as I continue to kiss him, my tongue exploring his mouth, trying to coax his out to play. Finally, he lets out what sounds like a strangled groan. About damn time. I was beginning to fear I'd lost my touch. It's such a relief to discover that isn't the case. I see the shackles hanging from the wall, and two more attached to hooks in the floor. Well, that will do quite nicely. Wasn't it nice of them to create such a handy little torture chamber? Even if they didn't know that *I'd* eventually be the one making use of it...

I break the kiss, giving his lower lip a little bite as I pull away. Before he can manage any of the crude, witty retorts he's perfected so well, I grin. "Puppy wants to play," I purr. I chuckle when his eyes widen in fear.


Okay, Xander. This is where you use that training by the Master and get control of the situation again. Fuck! He never gave me any pointers on dealing with a situation like THIS! Okay, it's all right. Don't panic. That would be rule number one the Master would have taught you if he'd known he needed to prepare you for this. That rule's kind of a no-brainer. You're the favored childe of the Master, you CAN get the better of this ... this... "Uhhhh," I groan when he grinds his cock against mine again.

Shit. There's NO way in HELL I'm going to enjoy being fucked by him! I just gotta keep my mind on the goal, here. And that is... is... staking him! My stake! ... It's no use, I can't fucking SEE where the stake is, because he's currently kissing me like there's no tomorrow. Which for him, there isn't. Not if I have any say about it. But DAMN IT ALL TO HELL he's a good - No off-topic thoughts, Xander. Only thoughts of escape and then destruction of the bastard who has dared to try to get the better of you.

He pulls away, finally. But before I can think of a stinging yet witty retort/threat, he grins at me. "Puppy wants to play."

And oh shit, is all I can think.


"FU-" is as much as he gets out, before I clamp my hand over his mouth to stifle the rest of his scream. He figured it out. Good, at least he's not a total moron. Spelling it out for him would've been irritating. I can almost taste the fear coming off him in waves, so it's clear he's well aware of my history. I'm sure that my exploits pre-curse are still the talk of vampires old enough to remember me.

"SHIT!" I yell when he bites into my palm with his fangs. I squeeze hard on one wrist, snapping all the bones in it. He screams into my bloody palm, but at least I can pull my hand away.


I slam his head back against the concrete, knocking him out. Oops. I chuckle and get to my feet. I wait a few minutes, but there are no signs that his cry was heard. I smile down at him. Oh, I'm so going to enjoy this, Xander. I'm going to teach you the lesson that nobody messes with the Scourge of Europe and gets away with it. Maybe you'll learn a few things, too, while we're at it.

~Part: 13~

The first thing I notice is: Oh, shit! My head fucking hurts! The second thing is: I've got a nice view of the stone wall, since it's directly in front of me. Third: My hands and feet are shackled to that wall and the floor. Fourth: My left wrist is broken. In multiple places. Fifth: I'm naked. And all of these things add up to the realization that nobody heard my scream for help.

"I'm having a hard time deciding where to start," he says and I jump. I don't bother trying to struggle against the chains, though. I remember I had Willow magically reinforce them. There's no breaking these babies. Besides, I'm not going to give him the pleasure of watching me waste my energy futilely trying to escape.

I'm Xander, childe of the Master, and I fear no one. I can take anything he dishes out. Eventually the Master's gonna send someone looking for me. And then Puppy... I mean, Angelus... will be punished for whatever he's done to me. So as long as I remain undead until then, I'm the one who comes out of this the winner.

"You have any ideas, Xander?" he says in my ear, his lips brushing against it. I shiver and curse myself internally for that weakness. "The whip? The knife? The matches?" He chuckles. "Holy water? I'm afraid I've never been too good at making these really important decisions. Darla used to make them for me. But you're a childe of the Master, too, so surely you have a thought. What d'you say? If you were me... what would you do first?"

"Fuck you," I spit out angrily.

He laughs and presses up against me. I move away and he follows, pinning me against the wall. "Oh, you would?" he asks. Huh? I'm confused. I would what? "You'd fuck me, Xander?" he continues as he rubs his cock slowly between my ass cheeks. Oh, fuck. Why did I say that? Me and my big mouth

"I always wondered, you know," he says as he thrusts his cock between my ass cheeks. He squeezes my ass around his length and starts to move, short thrusts. NOOOO! I am NOT getting turned on by this, damn it! He hisses into my ear and then adds, "Always wondered... why you didn't ever... fuck me. You wanted to...SHIIIIT... I could sense... it."

"NO!" I yell, trying not to think about how horny. "I hate you, you BASTARD!"

"Hate and lust are not... mutually exclusive," he chuckles as he speeds up his movements. "Just ask... William the Bloody. Who, I might add....OH FUCKING HELL... you did allow to... fuck me. Something else... I owe you for."

And I'm thinking he doesn't mean that in a good way. I know I should be concerned about that, but at the moment I'm totally distracted by my erection. I wriggle against the wall and groan when I discover that doesn't help matters at all. Fuck this. If he's getting off, then I am too. I start rubbing my cock against the wall and bite my lip to keep from crying out. If he doesn't know it's happening, he won't be able to stop me in time.

He comes with a snarl, and shoots his semen all over my back. I don't care, I'm so fucking close-- "WHAT THE FUCK!" I scream as he closes his hand around the base of my cock, keeping me from coming.

"You don't come until I say, Boy," he says.


He clicks his tongue at me, "Now, now, Xander. First lesson the Master should've taught you: rank matters much less than strength. And at the moment, I've got the physical advantage. I've just had a good feed and I'm dying to play since I've been caged by that soul for over a century. Besides your being chained up, of course, hinders your ability to do much of anything. You really don't want to piss me off right now."

"Fine. You've MADE your point," I say, trying to twist away from him. "So just get it over with already, and kill me."

"Oh, but I'm not gonna kill you, Xander," he purrs in my ear.

Oh, shit. He's not gonna keep me here, as his slave. Is he?


I smile as he tenses up. He's so transparent, it's not even funny. No, I take that back, it's damn hilarious. He thinks I'm going to keep him down here, like this. Well, I might, if he doesn't want to cooperate. But I think he'll cooperate. He may not like it, but the alternative really sucks.

"Here's the deal, Xander," I say smoothly as I start to stroke his cock. He tries to pull away but I lock my other arm around his waist. "I'm not going to destroy you, because I happen to want Willow."

"Willow's mine!" he snarls.

I smile. "But she wants me. You know that. So the way I see it, if you want to keep her, you have to put up with me." I smile as he starts thrusting into my hand. Yeah, he wants me. Like I said, lust and hatred really aren't mutually exclusive things.

He climaxes with a moan, his head falling back on my shoulder. I continue to stroke him until he's recovered and then remove my hand, trailing it up his chest slowly. He whimpers, his body still shaking from the after-effects of the orgasm. I scratch my fingernail over one nipple and he arches against the touch. I grin. My other hand grabs his chin and tilts his head toward mine.

Then I kiss him, possessively, my tongue pushing into his mouth. He lets out a long moan and I chuckle into his mouth. That's it, Xander. Just give in. It'll be much more fun, for both of us, that way.


What the hell is WRONG with me, letting the asshole kiss me???? Damn it, this has gone far enough. I wrench my head away. "Get the fuck off me," I growl, trying to pull away from his grasp around my waist. He doesn't let go. And I'm not getting turned on again by the feeling of his hard cock still pressed between my ass cheeks.

"You're in no position to be giving me orders, Xander," he replies, his lips brushing my ear as he speaks. "The sooner you learn to accept that, the better this can be."

"Define.... 'put up with you,'" I say reluctantly. My cock twitches when he bites my earlobe with his blunt teeth.

"You're a smart man," he purrs, thrusting his hips up against me. "Surely you've figured that out by now."

Oh, no. I'm not becoming Angelus' fuck toy. No matter how much I've thought about - NO I HAVE NOT THOUGHT ABOUT IT! In the words of Spike, I must be 'losing my bloody mind'! "I got a better idea," I say coldly. "You let me go and I let you out of this building. Then you can go away and leave both Willow and me alone forever."

He laughs. Well, it was worth a shot. "I like my idea better," he replies. "So what do you say, Xander? Gonna play nice?"

"Lemme guess. You'll be the dominant one in the relationship, right? I've got two words for you: Hell, no."

He sighs. "I think you misunderstood, Boy. You only have a few choices to make in this matter, and none of them have to do with WHETHER I will fuck you, or who'll be the dominant and who'll be the sub. Because I WILL fuck you. And you WILL submit to my desires, whenever and however I choose. You only get to choose whether you'll cooperate, when I fuck you..."

He trails a hand down to the crack of my ass and I try to pull away but I can't. "...and how much it will hurt, when I do." He pushes a finger inside me and I let out a very un-manly squeak. Shit. This isn't happening. Why hasn't anyone come looking for me yet?

"If you cooperate and do your best to please me, I might let you enjoy it," he continues. "If you don't cooperate, or I don't like your attitude when you do, then I'll just get off harder to the sounds of your screams."

He pushes another finger inside me and I hiss at the pain. He starts moving them in and out of me and I just stand there. I won't react. I've accepted that, for the moment, he's 'got the advantage over me' as he said. Struggling doesn't serve any purpose.

"So give me your answer, Xander," he requests in my ear, before nibbling at my earlobe. I stifle a groan and I'm still sure I do NOT want him. "You gonna be a willing participant? Or do I have to show you how much the alternative hurts? And there really isn't a right answer, I'll be perfectly happy with either of them.

I may have stopped struggling but that doesn't mean I'm going to play along with him and let him fuck me. "If I EVER get out of these chains, I'm gonna tear you to pieces slowly. And then burn those pieces," I say through gritted teeth. I scream as he touches a spot inside me that sets off a jolt of pleasure throughout my entire body.

He laughs. "You wanna reconsider that?" he asks, as he hits the same spot again. And again. Over and over until he's got me fucking whimpering. And shit, I'm so hard it hurts. All it would take is one touch to my cock and I'd... NO. No, I don't want this!

~Part: 14~

"I'm tired of waiting for your decision," he growls. "So I guess I should assume we have to do this the hard way." I grit my teeth, expecting to feel his thick cock slam inside me. But to my surprise, he's suddenly gone. I look over my shoulder and see him back at the table. I don't care, I'll take torture over rape, any day. "But I can't have you making any noise, either," he adds as he returns. I see the ball gag in his hand and I open my mouth to scream loud enough to bring the entire clan to my aid. But before I can let out a sound, his hand is around my throat. I choke out a scream but it's not loud enough to hear a few feet away, much less through the heavy wooden door to the basement.

"Open your mouth or I'll pry it open and yank out a few teeth in response for your defiance," he growls. Shit. I don't know what to do other than obey, so I do. He shoves the ball gag into my mouth and then ties a piece of cloth around my head, holding the gag in place.

"That's better," he says. "Now, I'm gonna SHOW you why you'd much rather cooperate with me." Before I can prepare myself for what's coming, he thrusts his cock into my ass and I scream in pain. His fingernails dig into the skin of my hips as he starts driving into me brutally. I can't stop the tears that sting my eyes and I'm glad that he can't see them. I bite my tongue to keep him from hearing any sound from me.

To add to my humiliation, he reaches around and grips my cock in his hand. He starts stroking me, in time with his thrusts and a sob escapes me. I really wish he'd just kill me. Because I can't fucking TAKE this. This is worse pain than when the Master used to take me. I'd thought the days of being fucked up the ass were over, because *he's* lost interest in sex. But now, somehow, I've ended up getting fucked again. And it doesn't appear to be the last time for it, either.

He starts slamming into me faster. The only thing that makes it bearable is that the blood has made it a little easier for him to move inside me. He comes finally, snarling. He speeds up his hand and I follow him with a shout. He pulls out of me after a few more moments and I can't help the whimper that escapes me. Fuck, it hurts.


I let my cock slip from his ass as I sigh contentedly. Damn, this boy's a good fuck. So tight, so perfect around my cock. I figured it had been a while since he'd been fucked. And I was right. I guess the Master's starting to feel his age.

He's just hanging there, limply. Good. I needed to teach him a lesson about who his new master's going to be, and it looks like I did. I can't wait to fuck him AND Willow at the same time. I know *she's* not going to mind that, at all. And after a little more time here with me, Xander won't mind either. But right now, it's time to turn on the charm. A little seduction, so that he won't be able to resist me much longer. He's already discovered I can make him like it rough. Now I'm gonna make him beg me to fuck him.

It's all part of the game, Xander. I always get what I want. And right now, what I want, is you and Willow submitting to me on a permanent basis.

I run a finger down his spine and he jerks away from me. I can taste the fear on him and it is so delicious. "Are you ready to reconsider my offer?" I ask. "Or do I need to beat you into submission?"

He mumbles something but I can't tell what it is, through the gag. "I'm gonna let you talk," I say. "But if you scream, I'm still very willing to yank out your teeth... or tongue. Understand?" He nods and I think I can trust him to be smart. I untie the piece of cloth around his head and he spits the gag out of his mouth. "Now, what did you say?" I ask.

"I said, you're never going to get me willingly to submit to you," he says.

That response was pretty much what I expected. I'm not disappointed though. I find myself drawn to Xander because of his willfulness. The same reason I was drawn to William. I'm not sure why I'm always drawn to the more difficult ones; I guess I just like the challenge.


"The Master taught you well," he says. Then it's silent and I don't feel him nearby. I'm not going to look behind me this time, though. He can't scare me. Someone will find us eventually. And if I'm dust then, well, the pain he'll be in as a result will be that much more excruciating.

I feel the whip hit my back and I can't hold back the scream. "AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGH!" I bite my lower lip to keep from making any more noise, remembering his earlier threat. He continues showering blows down on my body and I whimper. I try to twist away from the assault, but it's not that easy, when I can't see the direction the whip is coming at me from. Fuck, I hope I'm still alive when he gets found out.

"Count," he growls.

When hell freezes over. I wait, but the whipping doesn't continue. My whole body is tense, just wondering what's coming next. I feel the liquid thrown on my back and bite my tongue, tasting blood. Fucking HOLY WATER! Shit, the pain is unbelievable. All I can hear is my whimpering and his laughter, while my skin is slowly burning away.


I've never been so relieved in my life to hear Willow's voice.

~Part: 15~

I hear the scream - Willow's voice - right before I find myself flying across the cage, into the wall. I hit it with a grunt and fall to my knees. I turn to look behind me and she grabs the whip and begins lashing me with it.

I growl and grab the whip when it hits me next, tugging hard on the end. She's caught off balance and stumbles. I grin as this gives me the opportunity to pounce, landing on top of her on the floor.



Damn it! I knew My Willow was a little firebrand, but the 'sending me flying across the cage' has got to stop. How're we gonna have any fun that way?

"HOW DARE YOU!" She screams, shaking with fury and ... something else, too. She's turned on, either by my nudity, or her sire/mate's nudity or the fact that he's chained up and helpless. Or it could always be all of the above.

"I dare because I can," I reply with a smirk. I get to my feet, walking toward her slowly. "Why do you two always get to have all the fun?" I ask innocently. "Where's that rule written? You see, Willow, it is much more fun to play when both parties are willing. I just had to restrain Xander to make him understand that." I stop a few inches away from her and wait. She's a smart one, she'll put two and two together.

"Oh gods," she whispers and steps back, looking over at Xander.

I chuckle. "Isn't it what you always hoped for?" I ask, looking into her confused eyes. "Me... the real me...? Tell me you didn't fantasize about us being together. Tell me," I step closer, "that you don't want me to throw you down on the floor and fuck you until you can't come anymore..." I take one more step, and now our bodies are so close they're almost touching. "... and then make you come a few more times, just to prove that I can."

Her mouth drops open in shock and I lean down to devour it in a searing, frenzied kiss. She whimpers and wraps her arms around my neck. I growl and turn us, pressing her against the wall. This is the way a kiss should be: desperate, and passionate.

She leaps up, wrapping her legs around my hips and I start thrusting my hips against hers. She's wearing a red button-down shirt that I recognize as his, tucked into a very short, leather skirt. I growl into her mouth and push the skirt up. She whimpers when I grind my cock against the flimsy material of her panties. She digs her heels into my back, urging our bodies closer. She's wearing the thigh-high leather boots, too. Ah, I love all the leather. She's truly a girl after my own heart. Even the soul knew this girl would make a perfect mate for me.


Damn. Now why'd he have to go and do that?

She pushes my head away and looks over at him, uncertainly. When she looks back at me, she tries to glare. It falls short, since I'm still rolling my hips against hers. "Angelus..." she moans, when I run a hand teasingly over her inner thigh. She shakes her head, in an obvious attempt to clear her thoughts. "Put me down," she says more firmly.

Fuck. I frown but do as she says. It's either that or go for another flight across the cage, I'm sure. I move back just enough to let her slide down the wall until she's standing. She remains there, looking very dazed. I smirk but move back a few more steps.

She tries to regain her composure. "Give me the keys."

"No," I reply. I can see her disbelief. She's not used to a situation in which I don't obey her. Well, she needs to learn she was never dealing with the real me. "It's a new game, now, Willow. And this time, I'm the one in charge. And the game is that I want you as my mate." Her eyes darken with desire and I smell her arousal intensify. "But don't worry, I have no intention of destroying Xander, since I know you feel bonded to him. He wouldn't agree to my proposition, though, so I need to teach him his new place in the grand scheme of things."

"Proposition?" she asks. "What proposition?"

"You, me, and Xander," I reply. "I'll claim both of you and we'll all rule this city together. Of course you both will have to submit to me... but I don't think you'll find that situation too distasteful." I smirk. "Will you, Willow?"

She hesitates and I know I've got her. I hide my grin as she thinks it over. She looks up at Xander, who refuses to look back at her. He knows the truth and it has to hurt like hell.

"I felt his pain, Angelus," she says, turning back to me. "You have to stop this."

"If you felt his pain, then you also felt his pleasure," I reply smoothly as I walk closer. "And you and I both know that demons get off a little more intensely if there's pain mixed in with the pleasure." I trail a finger down the boy's spine, slowly. He hisses and tries to pull away.

She looks confused.

"You didn't realize?" I ask. "Tell her, Xander. Tell her she's not alone in wanting me."


I laugh. "Still so defiant." I glance over at Willow and say, "Come now, Willow. Doesn't it excite you to see your sire chained up like this? It's wrong, I know that's what you're thinking. But it isn't. It's so right." I lean down, slowly, to kiss her. And I'm thrilled when she doesn't push me away. Instead, my lips meet hers, in a more gentle kiss this time. I suck her lower lip into my mouth and tug at it. She shudders and her hands tangle in my hair, before she slips her tongue inside my mouth. I smile against her lips and let her explore my mouth, enjoying the taste of her.

"Willow, I swear you're gonna suffer if you don't GET ME OUT OF THESE CHAINS NOW!"

She shoves me away in response to her sire's demand. "This is getting very annoying," I growl.

"Let him go," She tells me, pouting.

"No," I reply, getting more aggravated by the second. "You're a witch, break the chains yourself."

She doesn't respond to that.

"Damn it, Willow, I'M YOUR SIRE! OBEY ME AND SET ME FREE!" He screams.

She's torn, I can tell. But she doesn't move to release him.

"Tell him, Willow," I prod. "Tell him you want me."

"I..." She bites her lower lip nervously as she tries to summon the courage to make this decision.

"Tell HIM you want me more," he says, looking at her intently. She just avoids his eyes.

"WILLOW!" She flinches but doesn't reply for a moment. Then she says, "I want both of you."

I smile. This is good. My plan's going to work wonderfully.

"There's NO way in HELL that I'm going to be this asshole's fuck-toy," Xander says. "And neither will you, as long as I'm alive. I won't allow it. So you have to choose between us."

"What?" she blinks a few times in disbelief. I'm shocked that he said it, too. I didn't think he had the balls.

"You heard me," he replies, angrily. "It's me or him, Wills. Not both."


"NO!" He cuts her off. "MAKE YOUR CHOICE, NOW!"

She looks over at him but doesn't say a word. "I WASN'T ASKING, WILLOW, I WAS ORDERING!" he screams.

"Xander, please..." she whimpers.


I turn away, too betrayed to look at her. When did I lose control over my childe? Oh, now I remember. It was when I let her start fucking Angelus.

"It's okay, Willow, you don't have to choose," he says. "I'm going to make sure you get everything you want." Fucking son of a bitch. He took my mate away from me; he thinks he's going to have me as his whore? I don't think so. No, he's going to pay ... and pay... and pay, for this.

"It won't work," she says with a sigh. "He hates me now."

I jerk away as his hand touches the base of my spine, but the chains are drawn pretty tightly. I can't get away. The hand trails up my spine to tangle in my hair. "No, he still loves you," Angelus says. "But he wants you all to himself. I can't say I blame him there. But between the two of us, My Little Witch..." I feel fangs graze my shoulder and I shudder. "... we can convince Xander that the three of us together can actually be quite an enjoyable thing... for all of us."

~Part: 16~

"But how?" Willow asks.

This is fucking ridiculous! "HELLO!" I growl. "I'm still here, so I'd appreciate it if you stopped talking about me like I wasn't. I hate to disappoint you, Angelus... well, actually that's not true. I'm very thrilled to disappoint you. So listen carefully. I. DON'T. WANT. YOU. End of story."

The bastard just chuckles. "Xander, who do you think you're kidding? Part of the reason the damn soul was so terrified of you was because he sensed your lust as well as your rage. Now, granted, you're so deep in denial that you haven't even faced the fact that you want me. And that's probably why you never fucked me... which turned out to be to your advantage, by the way. Otherwise I wouldn't have let you come just a few minutes ago. I would have fucked you for hours, made you enjoy it, but denied you release.

"Back to the point, though--"

"There was a point?" I interrupt with a grin. I'm far from broken. He may have fucked me, whipped me and burned me with holy water, but my hatred for him is so deep there's no way he's gonna break me. It's only a matter of time before the Master wonders where I am and then Angelus is going to suffer.

"There's a point," he replies as he presses up against me. And I'm not turned on by the feeling of his body against mine. I'm not. No, there's another reason I'm so hard it hurts. It's not him. It can't be. I hate him. He breaks into my thoughts and says, "The point is that you will agree to my suggestion of the three of us being together."

His hand closes around my erection and strokes it, firmly, as he continues to speak. I bite my lip to keep from moaning. "The reason you'll do that is because you don't hate Willow. No, you still want her, and you want her to be happy. And I want both of those things too, Xander. So that's something we have in common. All you have to do is agree to my suggestion."

I won't fucking do it. I will not let him win. That's just not an option.

Even though it wouldn't be all that different from submitting to the Master. Except for the fact that Angelus' sexual appettite is a little more active than my sire's. And that he's a little more considerate, with his lovers, when he's in a good mood. At least that's what Spike and Darla have said.

And I can't believe I'm really contemplating this.

"OH FUCK!" I shout as someone - Willow - takes my cock into her mouth. And then I gasp when Angelus pushes a saliva-slick finger into my hole. I try to pull away from him, but then he pushes deeper, brushing that spot inside me. I can't help groaning.

"So what do you think, Xander?" he purrs in my ear as he slowly pulls his finger out, then thrusts in again. And oh shit, it doesn't hurt this time. I just... I want more. I rock back against him, trying to bring back that incredible feeling from earlier. "You see, it doesn't have to be all about pain," he says. "Though pain is fun, too. Do you want to give this threesome a chance?"

At the moment, my body's saying: fuck, yeah, but my brain is still insisting that this is a bad idea. I'm having a hell of a hard time listening to my brain, though, since my body's on pleasure-overload, between the two of them. So to say I'm having a little crisis in the decision-making department would be an understatement.

I whimper when I slide farther down Willow's throat. Oh, shit. I'm gonna-- "NOOO!" I moan when he clamps his fingers around the base of my cock. Willow's mouth is gone and now she's standing next to us. "FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!" I growl at him.

He just laughs. Did I mention yet how much I hate him? "You can call me all the names you want, Xander. But there will be rules in this relationship. One of them is that you don't come until I give you permission."

"YOU'RE NOT MY SIRE!" I shout angrily. I try to yank myself away but he squeezes my cock painfully. I bite back a whimper.

"You're just making this too hard on yourself," he says calmly. "I wouldn't hurt you, if you'd just cooperate with me. And if you do, I'll be the closest thing to a sire you'll have. Because, you see, the Master's time is running out. He would never let me run this town, so I'll be removing him from it. From the whole earth, as a matter of fact.

"I'll ask you one more time, Xander. If I like your answer, you, Willow and I will go some place where we can get further... acquainted." I can just imagine the cocky smirk on his face when he says this. "If I don't like your answer, I'll leave you in these chains until I get a more satisfactory answer. The question again, not that you need it, is: will you accept that the idea of you me and Willow being together, you two being mine?"

I feel another finger entering me and hiss in pain, pulling away. He scratches my prostate again, and my knees give out on me. That just presses his fingers harder against my prostate and I moan. I can feel my orgasm approaching, but his other hand is still preventing my release.

"Xander..." His voice breaks into my thoughts, his tone warning. And I can't take anymore of this. I can't fight. I don't want to lose Willow. I need her. So if the only way to have her is to accept him as a part of the equation...

I sigh. "Fine," I agree, my voice a whisper.


I love the moment when the other person gives in. The moment I win. The incredible rush that accompanies the realization is almost better than the best sex.


I grin over at Willow and take in her relieved expression. "See?" I say to her. "Didn't I tell you that I'd convince him?"

She looks up at my face and nods. Then her eyes travel down to watch me finger-fucking her mate. Her lust grows and she whimpers.

As for Xander, he's almost to the point of begging. I feel him trembling under the assault of my fingers, and the scent of his arousal is very thick in the air. Willow and I both know that he wants me, even if he hasn't faced it yet.

I push another finger inside him, marveling again at how damn tight he is. He whimpers from the pain, but he'd be doing a whole lot more than whimpering if I shoved my cock inside him instead. And since I want him to discover how enjoyable getting fucked by me can be, I plan on preparing him better this time around.

He clamps his muscles down around my fingers and I sigh. As much as I want to fuck him, being chained up apparently has him thinking more of pain than pleasure. So I guess this will have to wait until we can both get more comfortable. I pull my fingers out of his tight hole and he sighs in relief.

"I need to hear you say a few things, Xander. Then I'll release you," I say. I remove my other hand from his cock, assuming that he can keep control now. I'm pleased to discover that I was right in that assumption.

"Wh...what," he gasps.

"First. Who do you belong to, now?" I ask. He slumps down against the chains and I wait. I know this is hard for him, but he'll get there eventually.

A few more seconds pass. And then, finally, "You," he whispers.

"I didn't hear you," I say. I pull Willow over to me and kiss her, passionately, while I wait. She whimpers and runs her fingers through my hair.

"You," he repeats, louder.

I wasn't exactly convinced by his tone, but I'll let it go for now. He can work on believable, later. "Next," I say. I turn Willow in my arms, sliding my hands up to her breasts. I pinch her nipples through the shirt, making her moan and shiver with lust. "Tell me that I can claim both you and Willow as mine."

He's silent for a good five minutes, leaning his forehead against the wall. I'm about to resume my previous efforts at persuasion when he says, "You can claim us both as yours."

"Very good, Xander," I murmur as I move one of my hands down to the hem of Willow's skirt. "Last thing," I say, as I slip my hand up along her thigh to her dripping, wet cunt. She gasps and pushes her ass back against my cock. I brush my thumb over her clit and she moans loudly.

Xander flinches, guessing at what we're doing. I imagine it'll take him some time to really get used to the way things are now. But he will accept it. "Tell Willow that I'm not forcing you to agree to something you don't want. Tell her you do want me."

Oh, he obviously hates this. His whole body tenses and he's shaking with ...anger? And it'll be fun to make him learn to accept his desire, and even act on it. I bet he doesn't know how enjoyable a threesome can be. But he's going to find that out, very soon, if he continues to be so reasonable.

"Angelus is not forcing me to agree to something I don't want," he finally chokes out. "I...I ..." He's shaking so hard now, and I don't know if it's from rage or humiliation. "IwantAngelus," he spits out.

I smile. Almost better than the best sex. I push four fingers inside Willow's passage and she screams, bucking wildly against me, as she orgasms. I guess she was pretty worked up, and I didn't realize how much. I hold her as she recovers and then withdraw my fingers. She pulls away from me and moves to lean back against the wall as I lick my fingers clean of her juices.

Xander's gone completelely limp in his chains. He doesn't have anymore fight left, for now anyway.

I really, really love being me.

~Part: 17~

We walk into the mansion and I wrinkle my nose at the smell. Mildew, cobwebs, and I think some animal must have crawled inside the place and died. It wouldn't surprise me. Nobody's used the place since we took Angel to the Bronze. I don't know why we have to live here.

Well, that's not true. I do know why. Angelus wants a place we can stay until he can kill the Master. And I realize I should be more upset about that plan of his, but I'm not. I'm just numb.

I think it's shock.

After I gave in and told him everything he wanted to hear, he unchained me. Then Willow went upstairs again, to bring me a shirt. She also got him a pair of jeans and a shirt from the closet of one of our minions. Once we were all dressed, we stole a car and came here. He drove, Willow sat next to him. I was more than happy to remain invisible, in the back seat.

Every muscle, every inch of my body, is screaming in pain. And I have the sinking feeling he's far from through with me yet. I mean, he still has that promise to follow through on, of making me enjoy it while he fucks me. I shiver at the thought. Like I'd enjoy having that shoved inside me again? There's no chance of that!

I look up and flinch when I see he's standing just inches away. I hear doors closing upstairs, so Willow must be up there. And I'm alone with him. That's just great, 'cuz it worked out so well the last time.


I look up at him again.

"I told Willow to pick out a room for herself," he says, as he puts an arm around my shoulders and guides me to the couch. "You can pick out one for yourself, or you two can share a room, if you want."

Gee, how nice of him. Letting me stay with Willow 'if I want.'

He frowns, possibly in response to my expression. "She's your childe and mate, and I won't deny your right to be with her... when it doesn't interfere with what I want, of course." Of course.

He gestures for me to sit and I do, with a wince. Everything really fucking hurts. "Look at me." I obey him, mostly because everything really, really, really fucking hurts, and I don't want any more pain on top of what I already have.

"Have you spent any time with my childer?" he wonders.

I don't understand why we're talking about them now. "Yeah. Spike and I've talked," I answer. "Drusilla ..."

He nods. "A little harder to catch on a coherent day, I know." He smiles, and I'm still trying to get over the shock of seeing him smile, not in a mocking way, as he adds, "But Spike has talked about me, hasn't he?"

Okay, starting to understand the reason for the change of subject. I shrug. "A little."

"From what he has told you, then, you should know that I'm not unreasonable," he replies. "As long as they were obedient and loyal to me, I treated them well. And the same will go for you and Willow. Unlike the Master, I don't keep those I want with me by using pain and fear. As long as you two do as I ask, I won't hurt you ... unless you want me to," he finishes with a grin.

I shudder and look away. I seem to recall a time when I enjoyed pain, but that was so long ago. When Puppy was just an annoyance. When I didn't have a clue Angelus could be a threat to me or my relationship with Willow.

I also remember a time when I thought Angelus was someone I would've liked to have known. Was I right about that? If Spike wasn't lying - and I have no reason to think he was - Angelus was an amazing lover, and a good teacher. Two things that the Master never was, that's for sure..

But the problem is, he was only those things if you were on his good side. And I'm definitely not there. I helped torture him for two years. I really can't be his favorite individual right now. And how can I ever be?


I can see it in his eyes, that he doesn't trust me not to hurt him again. He realizes that I have every right to want to tear him into little pieces. But he also doesn't know that I've always been as impressed with him as I was with Willow. He learned fast, how to become a feared master vampire. He knows methods of torture that are quite inventive. I could always recognize his skill and admire it, even while the soul cringed from it.

I can definitely use this boy, as one of my new clan. He will be a definite asset, in helping me take over the town. Even though there are a few things I can teach him, too. Things such as the usefulness of persuasive tactics, as well as torture. I don't blame him for not understanding this, yet, not when the Master never understood it, himself.

I'm going to enjoy teaching Xander, though. He's not hard on the eyes, and I probably would have turned him if it weren't for the soul. But I'll have him and Willow, now, as mine.

And I can't wait.

~Part: 18~

We've been sitting in silence for a while. I wanted to let him relax a little, and he has. But I'm getting impatient. Time to move this along. "Let's go upstairs," I say. I smell his fear and smile. I don't have any intention of hurting him... much... but I also don't have any intention of reassuring him of this. A little fear will work to my benefit. It'll keep him obedient, until he learns to accept his desire to be with me.

I lead him upstairs and am pleased when he follows me. I ordered Willow to clean up my old room and change the bedding. I open the door and see that she did just that. The king-sized bed now has some black satin sheets and pillow-cases. And I have to admit, the soul had taste. That's a relief. Willow also lit some candles, placing them on the dresser and bedside table. Those will do, until I get the electricity restored. I look around. She did a good, quick cleaning job. But I'll have to get some fledglings soon. Servants to help clean up the entire house. Later, however. Now I have more important things to attend to.

I turn back to Xander. He's standing in the doorway, looking uncertainly at the bed. Smart boy; he knows what's coming next. Well, he guesses, he doesn't know. And then he sees Willow. I saw her the minute I entered. She's on a chair by the bed, waiting for us as I requested.

"Come in and shut the door behind you," I say. He hesitates. Oh, good. There's still a bit of rebellion left in him, which is just the way I like it. I wouldn't want to break him completely; then there wouldn't be any challenge left for me. "Did you forget what I said earlier, already?" I ask. "Obedience or pain, Xander. It's really quite a simple choice."

He looks up at me, and I really hope he says whatever smart-ass comment is on the tip of his tongue. But he doesn't. Instead, he bites lower lip as he enters the room. Oh, well. I'm sure I'll get another chance to reassert my dominance over him.

He shuts the door and walks closer, slowly.

"Undress me," I order, facing him. Oh, he doesn't like that idea, at all. He glares at me and crosses his arms in front of his chest. I sigh and punch him in the face. My fist makes contact with his left cheekbone and he stumbles backward.

I turn to look at Willow. Her eyes are troubled but she hasn't said a word. I smile as I inhale the scent of her arousal, still as strong as when we walked in. "Come here, Willow," I say.

She gets to her feet and walks over toward me. She looks over at Xander, who's glaring at me but hasn't said a word. She doesn't like to see his pain, but I think she understands that this is all necessary. He won't accept my authority easily, but I won't have him unless he submits. And He will submit, but it will take time to make him do so.

I turn her to face me and then kiss her. I grin against her mouth when she whimpers and wraps her arms around my waist. She rubs up against me and I groan as I explore her mouth with my tongue. I pull away and growl, "Mine," looking into her eyes.

"Yours," she whispers, one hand slipping between us to rub my cock through my jeans.

"Undress me," I tell her. She moves to do so without hesitation, her hands unbuttoning my shirt quickly. I hiss in pleasure when she scratches her nails down my bare chest, hard enough to leave marks. She grins up at me and pushes the shirt off my shoulders. As she unfastens my jeans, she latches her teeth around one of my nipples, tugging at it playfully. I groan and tangle my hand in her hair.

I look over at Xander and smile. He's trying to glare but I can tell he's aroused by the sight before him. As Willow pushes my jeans down my legs, he licks his lips. Oh yeah, he really hates this.

I step out of my jeans and grab Willow by the waist, turning her so her back is to me. She rubs back against my cock as I wrap my arms around her waist. "Take off your clothes, Xander," I say. Willow whimpers, obviously wanting to see him do that, too.


Shit. I'm so hard again, after I tried and finally succeeded to get my mind off sex. But just watching Willow undress him was such an erotic sight. And I've always been attracted to him, even though I never even considered acting on it. His body... there's just nothing to say, other than it's, well, perfect. And a part of me is jealous of that, but another part of me wants to ...

"Take off your clothes, Xander."

I look up at him and see the lust in his eyes. And I realize for the first time, he's attracted to me. Okay, that never occurred to me before. And now my cock is even harder.

I tear my eyes away from his face and instead look at Willow as I pull off my t-shirt. I can smell the arousal in the air, theirs and mine. I unbutton my jeans and lower the zipper. Willow licks her lips and I can't help smiling in response. At least she still wants me. That's something to be grateful for, that I didn't lose her completely.

"Willow, go sit down in the chair again," he says. Oh, shit. That means he wants to fuck me now. And even though I want it, I won't admit that to him. Willow obeys him, even though she whimpers at the realization she won't get to play too. I follow her with my eyes as she sits again.

"Xander." I ignore him until I hear his growl. Then I look back up at him, letting my eyes take in his perfect body as I do. He grins, so I guess he noticed my admiration. Shit.

"Get over here, Boy," he demands. And I really want to refuse, punch the smile off his face, kick him. But that'll just make it worse for me, later. So I obey him, walking closer. I stop, inches away from him. I stare at his chest, instead looking at his self-satisfied grin.

"Jeans off," he says. And I can do that. I push them off and step out of them.

He puts an arm around my waist, pulling me against him, and I gasp when our cocks press together. Oh, shit. He chuckles and his other hand goes to the back of my neck as he kisses me, possessively. I groan when he pushes his tongue inside my mouth, overwhelmed by the intensity of the things he can make me feel.

I feel him thrust his cock against mine and whimper. Fuck, I need... I need more. He seems to understand this and repeats his action. And I am so fucking close to coming, already. Willow whimpers and I know she's getting more aroused by watching us. This realization pushes me even closer to the edge.


Fuck. I need to be inside him, NOW. I growl and break the kiss. He looks up at me, disappointment clear on his face. I grin. This is why persuasion can be more fun than torture.

"Get on the bed, on your stomach," I order. I feel the shudder run through his body. I smell a little fear on him, but more arousal. He wants this. I step away and wait for him to get up the nerve to obey me. He does, after a minute of hesitation. He crawls onto the bed and lies on his stomach.

Oh, what a delicious sight.

I look up at Willow and she obviously agrees. "Willow..." She meets my eyes, hers full of lust. "Take off your clothes, but stay where you." She pouts but does as I request. Oh, that's much better. Now I can admire both of their beautiful bodies.

I crawl up onto the bed, kneeling by Xander's legs. I look back at Willow, who is gripping the arms of the chair as she watches us intently. "You can touch yourself, Willow," I say. Xander groans and turns his head to look at her.

She parts her legs and slides a hand down to her cunt. She whimpers as she pushes three fingers inside. Her other hand moves to her breasts, kneading them and pinching the nipples. I watch her for a few seconds and then turn back to Xander.

He pants for breath as he watches her. That's good. Hopefully he'll be a little more relaxed. And that's necessary, in order for him to enjoy it when I fuck him.

I smile when I notice the bottle of baby oil on the bed-side table. So Willow did find it. That will work, quite well. I pour a little into the crack of his ass. He jumps but doesn't try to pull away. I part his cheeks with one hand and pour more baby oil between them. He moans and fists the sheets.

I coat a finger in the oil and then trail it down between his ass cheeks, to his hole. He whimpers and tenses up. "Xander, it's all right," I say. "I can make it feel good for you, but you have to relax."

He takes a deep breath and I sense his tension ease slightly. "Good," I nod. "Just let yourself feel it."


Shit. His finger is inside me, touching me THERE! "FUCK!" I yell, pushing back against him to make him do it again. He does and I moan.

Then I hear Willow's whimper and look over at her. Shit. She's so wet, and so close... I can't figure out what's making me harder. Him or her.

I can't believe it, but he's right, damn him, it doesn't hurt. And I'm trying to remember why I didn't like his proposition, but I can't... He's moving his finger in and out and I'm humping the sheets, trying to get some relief, but the tension just keeps building inside my body. I feel like I'm gonna explode.

"Ohhhhgods..." I moan. And no, I did not just whimper, even though he does keep brushing his knuckle against my prostate, and I think I'm going to go insane from need. And then there's another finger, stretching me and fuck, it hurts. But before I have time to react appropriately, there are two fingernails digging into my prostate and "SHHHHHIIIIIIT!"

He laughs and I can't make myself care that he knows I'm enjoying this. Because it's too... fucking... amazing a feeling. "You like that, Xander? You want more? You want my cock inside you, Boy?" he asks. And fuck, what is this, humiliation time again for me?

His fingers go still and he lies on his side, next to me. If I turned my head, I'd be looking right into his eyes, but I'd rather not do that. I prefer watching Willow. "I already know the answers to my questions," he says. His lips brush against the back of my neck, and I can't stop the shudder when he grazes still-human teeth against the skin. " I can feel it, every time your body responds. Willow knows the answers, too, because she can read them in your face. But you need to say it out loud. It'll make it easier for you to accept all of it."

I hate him for being right. And why the fuck does he have to be so ... gentle? It's worse than when he slammed himself into me, because then I had a reason to hate him. But now... he's fucking with my head. And I do admire that; obviously I could learn a few things from him about breaking people.

He thrusts his cock against my hip, and I shudder at the reminder that he wants to fuck me. Not because I don't want him to, but because I do want it. And that's just wrong, so wrong. I shouldn't be giving into him so easily.

But then again, why shouldn't I? There are worse fates, I think, than belonging to Angelus. Such as belonging to the Master. And I tolerated that for two years, didn't I? Yeah. So now I'm faced with belonging to someone who has a reputation of being a much better lover, and he's already starting to prove that. I guess it's the 'belonging' thing that has me caught in a state of denial.

He starts to remove his fingers and I moan. "Nodon'tstop-" I bite off the 'please' before it escapes. He stops, his fingers just barely inside me. And I can feel him. Just. Waiting.


"Look at me," he says. The tone of his voice makes it clear I don't want to piss him off by disobeying. So I turn my head and look into his face, which is so close to mine. And the lust in those eyes throws me for a minute. If it had occurred to me... No. It wouldn't have mattered, because I still have that 'not going to submit' issue that applies to everyone except my sire.

"Answer the questions," he says with a little smile. "And I don't think I need to repeat them, do I?"

I bite my tongue to keep from telling him what I think of him at the moment, because even demons have a pain threshold, and I reached it earlier. "No."

"Good. Now, I'm waiting," he reminds me. Did I mention I think he's a bastard? "And look me in the eyes when you say it." Son of a bitch.

If I could blush, I think I would. But I take a deep breath and say, "Yes, damn it, I like how it feels when your fingers are inside me. And I want more, I want..." I can't. This is just too fucking much. Because I also have a humiliation threshold and I reached that HOURS ago.

"Go on," he prods. "Say it and I'll make you feel things you've never even dreamed of." Shit. I DON'T whimper again, and that brings out his trademark smirk. Asshole.

"I want you your cock inside me, want you to fuck me," I admit. And thank you for making me feel like shit, really. I needed that.

To my amazement, he doesn't gloat or mock me. He just pushes those fingers back inside and OHFUCK! I groan and push back against him, when he twists them, finding my prostate again. And he starts fucking me with his fingers, as he thrusts against my hip.

I hear a whimper. I swear that was Willow, because, as I've already said, I do NOT whimper. He scisssors his fingers inside me, trying to stretch me further. I gasp, because it hurts a little. But it feels more amazing than painful.


He's so close. I'm so close. I look over at Willow and can tell by the expression on her face that she's so close, too. I move to kneel between Xander's legs and slip my other arm under his waist, pulling him back onto his knees. He whimpers at the loss of ability to thrust his cock against the mattress. To remind him why he shouldn't complain too much, I dig a fingernail into his prostate. He yells and tries to pull away, but I'm holding him close.

He's going to feel so good around my cock. I'm so glad the Master still remembers the benefits of turning virgins. They stay tight for eternity, which is good for you, if not for them.

I continue to stretch him with my fingers. I've got all four inside him now, and he's not protesting at all. No, as a matter of fact, he's pushing back against them.

I look over to Willow. "Get over here and lie on your back, in front of Xander." She does as I ask, quickly. She parts her legs and I have to fight the urge not to bury my face in her wet pussy. No, not yet.

Xander moans and I think he figured out I'm going to let him fuck her. The night is young. I'm going to let him fuck her, as I fuck him; then I'm going to fuck her, and he'll watch. Then... I don't know. I'm sure I'll come up with plenty of ways to make them come, though. Not to mention plenty of ways to get them make me come.

I pull my fingers out and he moans. "She wants you inside her, Xander." He doesn't need to be told twice. He positions his cock at her entrance and thrusts inside her, all the way. They both moan. And I think I'm going to have to just watch them, at some point tonight.

I take the bottle of baby oil and coat my cock with it. I put a hand on his hips and he tenses. "Xander," I sigh. "Remember what I told you. Just relax."

He nods and I push inside him, slowly. He moans and I feel his muscles ease up a little, letting me slide in further. Shiiiiiiit! "Fuck, Xander, yeah. Just like that," I groan, as I push even deeper, until I'm completely inside him.

I stay there for a few seconds, because it just wouldn't do for me to come this soon. I have a reputation to protect, after all. Once I've regained control, I pull him back, until just the head of his cock is inside her. I wait for her to whimper, and withdraw from him slowly.

"Pleeease!" She begs, which is even better than a whimper. I growl and thrust into Xander, pushing him deep inside her again. They both moan and I join in when his muscles tighten around me.

We set our pace, I guide him with my hand on his hips. Shit. This is perfect. They're both moaning and whimpering and panting for breath. And I'm pretty close to the edge now, too.

"Squeeze me," I groan, biting Xander's shoulder. He gasps and does just that, as I slam inside him again. Fuck!

I speed up our thrusts and Willow moans and arches up against him, "Please, Xander... Angelus... I need..."

"Not yet," I growl, when he starts to move his hand. They have to learn, they don't come until I do. She whimpers and I slam into him, harder than before, making sure to hit his prostate.

"FUCK!" He screams, squeezing me again. Shit, I can feel my control slipping. A few more thrusts, making certain that I hit his prostate again, and again, and he clamps his muscles down, harder than before. "ANGELUS!" He screams and that sends me over the edge.

"SHIT!" I yell and add "MINE!" before I tear into his shoulder with my fangs. I hear him wail as I take his blood into me. After a few seconds, I pull away and I lick at the wound until it stops bleeding,. My cock slips from his ass and he moans in disappointment, trembling as he continues to move inside Willow.

Fuck. That was good. I settle on my back next to them and just watch for a minute.

"Angelus, please." And I can't believe he just begged me. He must really need to come. But I'll gloat later. I wait until he meets my eyes. Yeah, he knows he begged me. That's good enough.

"All right, since you were both so cooperative," I shrug. "You may come now."

He moans and starts pounding into her again. She wraps her legs around his waist, meeting his thrusts easily. And I was right, they're really something to watch. I feel my cock getting hard again, and I stroke myself lazily.

He looks over at me and sees what I'm doing. I'm sure he'll never admit that's what did it... but he comes with a moan. He continues to thrust inside her until he's spent. And as he does, he slips a hand between them and rubs her clit.

"FUCK!" Willow screams as she thrashes around underneath him, riding out her climax. I lean in to kiss her and she whimpers, putting a hand at the back of my neck. I break the kiss and lick down to her throat. "MINE!" I growl and sink my fangs into her throat. She screeches and comes again, just in response to me drinking from her. Well, that does a lot for the ego.

Oh yeah, I definitely have several ideas for how to pass the next few hours.


I roll away, onto my back. Shit. That was... Yes. I enjoyed it. A lot. And when I watch him claim Willow, I moan as I feel my cock harden even more than it did when he was kissing her. Okay, so being his isn't such a terrible thing. But I'll never admit that to him.

He looks over at me, and I realize I don't have to admit it. He already knows it. Well, at least that's one thing I don't have to worry about. He grins as he looks down at my erection. And something tells me this is going to be a very long night. Lucky, lucky me.

The End
